Memo to My Future Boss

Memo to My Future Boss

?A Guide for Us to Work Well Together

STATUS: I am now six months into my unemployment sojourn.

As you might guess—or as many of you are experiencing—this journey is not for the faint of heart. There are occasionally terrific job opportunities that appear, only to disappear within 24 hours…because the hiring manager already had an internal candidate but was required to post externally. Many times, I’ll complete a lengthy, multi-screen online application, only to receive an automated rejection within minutes of clicking the SUBMIT button…because the company’s system didn’t detect the one required keyword on my resumé.

What’s missing in this process? The personal perspective. The “I’ve got a feeling about this person” element. The trust-your-gut decision-making process that opens doors, creates opportunities and fuels the stories of future leaders. That's a challenge for me, because I'm always personally invested in what I do.

Since this hiring process is lacking the personal element that I crave, I’ve decided to supplement it by approaching you directly: you, my future boss. While I’m reading all the qualifications you may be seeking in a new hire, please review the following list of what I’m seeking from a manager.

  1. Understand that, for me, it's personal. See earlier statement. I’m always all-in and passionate about my work. Encourage the positive energy and use my passion for the team’s benefit.
  2. Ask for and value my opinion. I’ll never claim that I know everything. But I’m creative as hell, and I’ve got countless ideas about how to approach challenges. If you ask for my input, I’ll give you a thoughtful response for the betterment of the project.
  3. ‘Fess up when you mess up. We all make mistakes, and I’ve seen some doozies in the workplace. When I drop the ball, you’ll know it because I’ll be the first to tell you about it. And when you admit your shortcomings, I’ll respect you and appreciate your honesty.?
  4. Laugh with me. I’m generally happy at work, and I laugh at myself more than anything else. Lighten up and join me. Challenging situations are always easier to tackle with light-hearted humor and good-natured banter.??

If you meet these qualifications OR have a desire to become the kind of manager who meets these qualifications, we should connect. I’m holding open interviews for interested managers at a mutually convenient time. Bring your authentic, honest self and an open mind about how we can be rockstars together.??

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I have many of the same thoughts. I looked and continue to look but have decided to do something I enjoy either way. I have been doing handyman work for years, now i’m extremely busy, and loving Don’t get me wrong, I miss the CRM work, and still do quite a bit of consulting as well as big data management, but having fun on my own terms.

Shawn Ardizone

Vice President, Sales Operations at Group 1001

4 年

Well said Becky! You have always been an outstanding writer and I miss all the creativity and objectiveness you bring to the job. You are an asset to anyone who hires you. You can see that from all the comments as well. Future boss: you better snap her up before someone else does!

Nick Pawlak

Chief Operating Officer North American Inspection Services KGIS / AutoVIN

4 年

Love it Becky. Hang in there you are phenomenal and the right opportunity will come your way.

Joseph Bannon

Experienced Strategist. Global Business and Partnership Development Executive

4 年

Becky - this was so well written and so on point - well done! And yes I’ll second (or third or + + + ) the fact that you are amazing!

Alfred Kelly

Vehicle Remarketing Pricing Analyst (Medium, Heavy Duty and Equipment)

4 年

Outstanding and beautifully written. I hope your doing well Becky! #rockstar


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