To Meme or Not to Meme, That is the Question

To Meme or Not to Meme, That is the Question

In recent years, memes have emerged like a superhero in spandex, ready to save the day across social media platforms, even in the oh-so-serious realm of this is LinkedIn, not Facebook. These digital nuggets of humour and relatability from The Recruiter Life have crash-landed into the world of recruiting, providing us with a welcome escape from the mundane spreadsheets and corporate jargon.

At The Recruiter Life, we've decided to dive headfirst into the wild world of memes, with all the enthusiasm of a Labrador chasing a tennis ball. And the results? Well, in just over 12 months, our LinkedIn page has swelled by over 45,000 followers, all thanks to memes, gifs, and content that's so funny, it might just make you spit out your morning latte all over Sharon from Accounts. It's been a rollercoaster ride, and here's what we've gleaned from our adventures:

The Pros and Cons of Using Memes on LinkedIn


  • Increased Engagement: Memes are like magnets for engagement. They encourage likes, comments, and shares, which boost your content's visibility.
  • Humanising Your Brand: Memes make your brand approachable and relatable. They show the fun and personable side of your business. Take Ryanair & Aldi for example. No one likes boring brands.
  • Showcasing Culture: Memes allow you to convey your company culture and values subtly. Share inside jokes, team highlights, or industry-related humour.
  • Memorable Content: Memorable content stands out, and memes are incredibly memorable. People remember humour, making it more likely that your brand will stick in their minds.


  • Misalignment: Using inappropriate or unrelated memes can damage your brand's image. Always ensure your memes align with your values and the platform's professionalism.
  • Overuse: An overload of memes can dilute your brand message. Striking the right balance is crucial.

How to Include Memes in Your Marketing Strategy

So, you might be wondering how to incorporate memes effectively into your marketing strategy. Here are some tips from The Recruiter Life :

  • Understand Your Audience: Know your target audience, their preferences, and what kind of humour resonates with them. This may be a suck it and see type approach in the beginning.
  • Stay Relevant: Keep an eye on trending topics and use them to create timely and relatable memes. Or just steal them from us and don't credit us. Heathens!!!
  • Brand Consistency: Ensure your memes reflect your brand's voice and values.
  • Moderation: Use memes strategically, mixing them with other content types. A good rule of thumb is the 80-20 rule, with 80% of your content being professional and 20% fun and engaging. Unless you’re The Recruiter Life where 100% is fun and engaging, but you can’t all be as fabulous as us.
  • Measure and Adapt: Monitor the performance of your meme content and adjust your strategy accordingly. If certain memes or topics are not working, pivot.

In conclusion, memes have become a valuable tool for connecting with your audience on LinkedIn. The Recruiter Lifes journey from 0 to over 45,000 followers since 2022 and 7 Million Monthly Impressions is a testament to their power when used wisely.

So, as you navigate the world of content marketing, don't be afraid to embrace the lighter side of recruiting with memes. Engage, entertain, and build meaningful connections while staying true to your brand's values.

Stay meme-tastic and stay tuned for more engaging content!

The Recruiter Life

Baz Strickland

US and UK Recruitment - Construction ??/ Civil Engineering ?? / Geotechnical Engineering/Piling/Ground Improvemment ?? / Build ??

1 年

I almost took that seriously



