Membrane structures: what types are there ?
There are three main types of stretching systems for membrane structures:
1. Structures with membrane tension. Here the membrane is held by cables, which allows to distribute stretching voltages through its own form.
2. Stretched nets. Structures in which a grid of cables carries internal forces, transferring them to individual elements, such as sheets of glass or wood.
3. Pneumatic structures. Here the protective membrane is supported by air pressure.
Constructively, the system forms by combining three elements: membranes, rigid structures such as poles and masts, and cables.
The membranes of polyester fibers with PVC coating have great ease in production and installation at the plant; Lower cost and the average durability is about 10 years.
Covered on the basis of fiberglass membrane has excellent strength - about 30 years; and greater resistance to adverse factors (sun, rain and wind); however, they require skilled labour.
There are two types of support in membrane systems: direct and indirect. Direct supports are those in which the construction is arranged directly on the ground part of the construction structure. Indirect support is when the hull is arranged from a raised point, such as a mast.
The cables, which are responsible for the distribution of stretching stresses and strength, are classified in one of two ways according to the function they perform: carrier and stabilizing. Both types of cables intersect orthogonally, providing strength in two directions and avoiding deformations. Carrier cables are those that directly accept external loads located at the highest points. Stabilizing cables are responsible for strengthening the carrier cables and their mutual attachment. You can avoid attaching stabilizing cables to the ground with a peripheral fastener.