Member Story of the Day - Product Refund Issue
"I bought an XBOX 1 bundle totaling about $600.00. [The Store] said I could return it within the next 14 days if I was not satisfied with my purchase. Four days later, I went to return my bundle and they said that the serial number of my Xbox 1 didn’t match with the receipt and they couldn’t take my return.
For an hour, we went back and forth on how this could possibly be a mistake! At the end, I left without making my return. I went home and vented to everyone I could possibly come in contact with.
I stopped and thought… why wouldn’t I just call my law firm and they can handle this situation for me? I consulted with my lawyer and they sent a letter on my behalf to the [The Store] Manager.
Five days later, I got a call from the store manager apologizing for what went wrong and that it was their mistake, because the clerk scanned the wrong UPC merchandise during my transaction!
A day later I got my full refund, plus a $50.00 gift card and I didn’t pay a dime out of my pocket to use my law firm!
BOOM!!! Thank you LegalShield!"