Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you" - Bing Crosby

Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you" - Bing Crosby

“Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way to say Merry Christmas to you” – Bing Crosby

Have you ever visited the Big Island of Hawaii? If so, you may be familiar with the “Aloha Spirit” that presents itself in a flowing energy of love that exudes from the land and its people. Every single day, I speak to someone that shares their story about being “called’ to this island from all walks and regions of the world. I myself was one of them. Last October 2017, I had the same direction put on my heart to make the voyage which has landed me here in Kona, Hawaii. 

The energy that exists is powerful, and can only be described as a spiritual revival in the name of Jesus Christ. There’s no denying it. The foundation of His love radiates through the air, and even when you first arrive it’s the air you breathe in . . . “it’s Your breath in our lungs”. The Holy Spirit rests in the people and the island is awakening those that visit to experience peace; aloha love. 

On March 30th, 1820 the first missionaries arrived on the Hawaiian Islands, just 7 couples (that’s 14 people), and a passion to share the gospel with the world. Of course prior to that, this magical island hadn’t heard the name of Jesus . . . they had the ancient kapu system in place for their spiritual beliefs.

Proceeding the arrival of the missionaries, a high priest Hewahewa prophesied that the “new God” would come and step foot on a specific rock in a “black box”. God spoke into Hewahewa’s heart, and he obeyed; even as far as burning downing his own temple.

I think about the bravery it took the missionaries to spend 164 days on a boat traveling from New England to this random, volcanic land, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where they embarked on salvation for a completely new culture. God had a plan, and while they were still at sea, Kamehameha the great died; which left the Islands without a belief system, and open hearts hungry for a Savior. 

The first man to step out of the Thaddeus (name of their vessel) was holding a black wooden box with his precious heirloom inside . . . The Holy Bible. Jesus arrives to the people of Hawaii!

“. . . that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:5)

Despite the loss of privilege and title, Hewahewa plus many of Hawaiian royalty became the first Christians on the island. Because God chose to use this high priest, and planting a message on his heart, the first Christian church was established on the coast of Kona, Mokuaikaua Church that still exists today. The Holy Spirit was spread through the nation. 

“We need to join God, not God join us” – Pastor Michael, Mokuaikaua Church

Walking through downtown Kona, it feels like there are missionaries on every corner. . . “planting seeds” in people’s minds to remind them of the love of Jesus. Yesterday, I walked by a man that handed me a little book with a picture of the Grim Reaper on the cover that read, “HI THERE!”

I turned around and smiled, “Is this about Jesus?!”

He shouted, “Yes, just out here trying to do my part in planting seeds!”

As I flipped through the little book, it was a comic book about the fact that we will all die and meet our Maker one day, God. This fictional character was sentenced to “everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”. I just thought to myself, “wow, that’s one tactic!”  I handed the gentleman a papaya, thanked him for his service, and smiled stating that I would see him in heaven.

I think about the bravery of the people that sit for hours on the side of Queen Kaahumanu road, holding up signs, “Jesus is coming . . . repent!” because that is what they chose as their “ministry”. Again, it’s the time that this family puts in day after day to promote the opportunity for people to recognize salvation, and doing so selflessly.

There isn’t a lack of people here in Kona advancing the gospel of Christ, rather than their own interests. You can feel the energy as people seek to share love, and not preoccupy themselves with personal gain. 

Just this morning, I spoke with a young guy that said He felt the energy of the island has led him here, so he sold his home, cars, and toys, left his contractor job, and was headed to an interview to bartend at a local restaurant. He commented that the day prior he met a couple that did the same in the name of Jesus. 

I know it may sound crazy to most when trying to describe a “calling” placed on your heart. 

“So did like God talk to you or something?” 

No. It’s just a powerful feeling that you get inside to pick up go. Me personally, I would have never chose Hawaii . . . God has a sense of humor though. In the past I have described my personal “hell” as a beach with sand. Being from Upstate New York, I wasn’t raised to love the ocean or beaches. We as believers know that God is intentional, and meeting other ‘children of His flock’ sent here through the same calling on their hearts, testifies that He is up to something.

Peace is visually apparent; there aren’t any billboards in Hawaii. Signs saying that you need bigger boobs, a cheap divorce attorney, or unnecessary junk that the world thinks you should have.  Most people dress simply and there isn’t any sort of stereotype of what you should look like because the people don’t love you for your looks, they love you because they love themselves, and Jesus. 

The water is released from the rock in the story of Moses, he didn’t have to tap it or speak to it. The love of Jesus will flow out of us when we walk with Him. It’s the inner peace we find when we set aside all the nonsense in the world, and stop to put flowers in our hair, or to share an “aloha” with a stranger.

Go out of your way for Jesus every day. Step outside your comfort zone to serve others because the world needs more love. Be brave in the name of Jesus to approach someone you don’t know, and give them a message of peace. Let others know that you will pray for them; it’s free! 

“Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, ‘Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. . .’”(Acts 26-40) Philip obeyed the calling put on him from the Lord, and by doing so, he shared the gospel of Jesus with a eunuch that came to Jerusalem to worship in his chariot. The eunuch had been seeking God, and Philip was used as a messenger on the dangerous road which was the catalyst needed to spread the good news to the people of Ethiopia. Philip was brave, and went out of his way because he was told to do so. 

I have seen earthy angels in the form of people here in Kona that live to do good works for others. For instance, I met a lovely couple on the beach seeking a specific homeless woman to give her a container of food, and a loving message written on it. After finding the woman, and delivering her food, the homeless woman yelled at them, and said that the food order was wrong. I witnessed this lovely Christian woman go back into a restaurant 3x in order to get the woman’s food correct. While waiting, her husband explained to me that it’s exactly like when we pray . . . “God tells us to ask for things specifically, so he can fulfill the desires of our hearts”. Just to think, I was raised as a child hearing, “beggars can’t be choosers!” The couple without trepidation or disappointment filled the homeless woman’s request to the best of their ability; and showed Christ’s love to a stranger.

The atmosphere that has manifested itself here on the island is “Agape” love. It’s through the people openly receiving love, and in turn passing it forward. It’s letting someone pull out in front of you through traffic in the morning, then in the evening, waving a stranger on to cut in front of you. It’s receiving a handful of Strawberry Papayas freely, and sharing the goodness of the fruits generously with strangers, and warmly giving blessings in the name of Jesus.

The essence of Christianity is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love . . . it’s the faith that hope can exists in a world of darkness. It’s edifying your neighbor, and putting others before yourself. 

Seek the energy of love in your walk, and be kind to strangers . . . you never know when your looking into the eyes of His heavenly angels.

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2)

Love Him as He first loved us, and love one another, as Jesus tells us to, and I love you!


April 19th, 2018





Tyler Bowen

General Manager at Superior Fence & Rail of Nashville

6 年

Great read! Congrats Kell!! Best of luck my dearest



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