Melania Trump Plagiarizes Michelle Obama
GOP Convention Deja Vu
Melania Trump delivered a heartfelt speech at last night's GOP convention with listeners holding back the waterworks. That is however until the Internet happened and journalist Jarrett Hill shed light on the fact that Melania’s speech was oh so not her own. Cue the Uh-Oh’s and I’m sorry’s. You might have been thinking the speech sounded familiar and that’s because it came from current First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech. This entertaining video highlights the apparent plagiarism that took place. Prize and props goes out to whoever can sing this tune best..Donald’s wifeeey went ahead and swipeeeed. #Plagarism4President? (Source: The Guardian)
GM Says the Future is NOW..
You can’t escape the headlines without reading about self-driving cars but at the same time they also seem like a fictional unicorn we’ll only experience in our dreams or a C.S Lewis novel for that matter. Well that’s all about to change since GM is making it’s fully electric autonomous driving car fully available to the public much sooner rather than later. GM announced they’re planning on bringing the much anticipated car to fruition by debuting via their Lyft partnership. Specific details regarding the launch of self-driving car have not been released but GM is hoping the move will make them synonymous with mobility and ride sharing. Cross our fingers it’s before the end of the year. Soon we’ll say VROOM-VROOM sorry mom you can’t meet my date he just ordered me a Lyft ride instead. (Source: MSN)
Diario Menopausa
8 年Hi Erik Qualman, facebook Just ERASED this vídeo from my page!