MEGA 2024 Preview: Navigating the Financial Landscape with ROK Financial's Stephen Rodriguez

MEGA 2024 Preview: Navigating the Financial Landscape with ROK Financial's Stephen Rodriguez

The FICPA’s premier annual event, MEGA, takes over Universal Orlando’s Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, June 11-13.?

Each year, MEGA brings together the biggest names in accounting, the brightest minds in the CPA profession, and the largest gathering of finance professionals in Florida for education, networking and an array of professional development programs.?

Among the expert presenters at MEGA 2024 is the Director of Commercial Finance at ROK Financial , Stephen Rodriguez, CLFP . With more than 20 years’ experience in the commercial lending space, Stephen has helped procure more than $1 billion of financing for his clients and established significant business-to-business partnerships with Fortune 500 leaders, including New York Life, MetLife, Guardian Life Insurance, and MassMutual.?

Stephen will take the MEGA stage from 11:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, as he presents “Navigating Financial Landscapes: Strategies for Modern CPAs.”??

You can read our conversation below, learn more about ROK Financial here, and visit the FICPA website to “Explore the Possibilities” and register for MEGA.?

ROK Financial's Stephen Rodriguez

If you would, Stephen, give us a glimpse into what MEGA attendees can expect from your presentation and why they can specifically benefit from this session.?

Absolutely, and the first big-picture takeaway is that CPAs are becoming more and more multi-dimensional. The landscape is changing, and we know clients are increasingly looking to CPAs as more than just accountants.??

So we’re going to discuss that evolving role of the certified public accountant within the broader economic picture. I’m going to walk through key trends and developments in finance, best practices in financial management, different kinds of debt financing options, and – ultimately – the various ways CPAs can stay relevant and continue to add value for their clients.?

At the end of this session, my goal is for CPAs to leave with a better understanding of exactly what kind financial products and services are available to small businesses from a company like ours. Then, those same CPAs are going to be in an even stronger position to advise their clients on all the options they have to scale their business and move forward.?

With respect to that evolving role and becoming more multi-dimensional, what in your view are some of the expanded opportunities available to CPAs??

It’s a great question, and I think you start by looking at some of the current challenges we’re seeing across businesses. Whether it’s tightening credit, cybersecurity threats or just general market volatility, the challenges are what create opportunity.??

So beyond traditional accounting and auditing, CPAs are well-equipped to expand their services and move into advisory spaces. We’re talking about forecasting, financial planning, M&A consulting, software implementation.?

Technology has had a dramatic impact on the financial services industry in a short period, and now we’re seeing artificial intelligence race to the forefront. CPAs have a unique opportunity to put themselves in the center of all this change and solve for the challenges.??

ROK Financial

Finally, tell us a bit more about ROK Financial and why you’re so excited to be a part of MEGA 2024.?

At ROK Financial, our focus is on small business financing, and we see CPAs as an important piece of that puzzle. Often, when we’re engaging with clients, we’re working directly with their CPAs, connecting the dots to be able look backward and project forward. We find that it’s really beneficial when CPAs have an understanding of the credit market, because it allows them to act as that bridge between us and the client.?

So we see a lot of value in being a part of MEGA, being able to present to attendees, but also being able to talk one on one in the Solution Center. When you stop by our booth, you’re going to find me, you’re going to find our Vice President of Business Development, Tony Cimino, and you’re going to be able to pick our brains.??

We want to field your questions, listen to your challenges, and start to build those relationships that benefit ROK, that benefit the attendees and – most importantly – that benefit the clients.???

I used the phrase “staying relevant” earlier. How can CPAs do that? To me, it’s through continuous learning and development, by staying on that cutting edge. The more educated you are, the more you can turn around and educate your client.??

That is exactly what an event like MEGA is all about, and that’s why we're excited to see everyone at Universal this June.?

To learn more about MEGA 2024, review the full schedule of events, and secure your spot, visit


