meetMED Newsletter | July 2024
Professional Training on the Implementation of Appliance Scrapping
01-03 July - Lisbon, Portugal?
The three-day training aimed at?enriching national policymakers and key stakeholders representing project beneficiary countries with practical knowledge about the EU experience and expertise of the E-waste management and recycling industry. The technical sessions focused on the importance of recycling systems based on Extended Producer Responsibility and securing essential raw materials for the energy transition in Europe. Participants had the opportunity to visit three leading electric waste sorting and recycling plants in Portugal.?These included the Electr?o warehouse, where used electrical equipment for recycling is stored and batteries are sorted;?Ambigroup, which specializes in best practices for recycling refrigerators; and?Veolia Portugal, one of the world leaders in the treatment, recycling, and recovery of hazardous waste. Read more
meetMED Participates at Green Climate Fund Regional Dialogue for the Middle East and North Africa?
26 June - Rabat, Morocco??
The meetMED session focused on energy-efficient buildings in the MENA region and included technical discussions to foster dialogue that leads to innovative investments and impactful readiness support, particularly in states facing fragility, conflict, and sanctions. Bringing?together stakeholders representing National Designated Authorities, Accredited Entities, and Delivery Partners to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, share experiences and best practices, and identify/develop climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Read more
?meetMED Twinning Cities Study Tout in Tata?
05-06 June - Tata, Morocco
The two-day study tour hosted by?the Moroccan Agency For Energy Efficiency (AMEE) in coordination with the municipality of Tata, was?attended by official delegations representing the municipalities of?Palmela?(Portugal) and Málaga (Spain),?the Spanish Government’s Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), and the Portuguese Agency for Energy?(ADENE). The technical sessions provided?a collaborative exchange of knowledge and best practices around Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) development in the participating municipalities. In addition to site visits to energy-efficient facilities?dedicated to promoting energy literacy and awareness among the general public in Tata. Read more
Energy Demand & Energy Efficiency Modelling Practices?
29 May, Online workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to continue the dialogue among meetMED practitioners about how to build an Energy Efficiency Scenario including presenting national perspectives, stakeholders, modelling tools, and results. In addition to addressing the main issues from different energy demand scenarios in South Mediterranean countries over the period 2025-2050. Read more
meetMED Twinning Cities Study Tour in Lisbon?
21-22 May - Lisbon, Prortugal??
Another study tour took place within meetMED "Twinning Cities Agreement" to?boost the exchange of knowledge and best practices regarding energy efficiency in the building sector among Mediterranean cities, while also visiting various projects and initiatives related to energy efficiency and sustainability in Lisbon. The study tour?was organised by?ADENE?– Agency for Energy?in cooperation with?Lisboa E-Nova?(Lisbon’s Municipal Energy and Environmental Agency) on behalf of Camara Municipal de Lisboa (CML). Participants representing?the Municipalities Al-Karak and Sahab (Jordan) and?the National Energy Research Centre (NERC), of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS)?took part in the tour. Read more
The Third Edition of meetMED Week in Tunisia?
22-24 April - Hammamet, Tunisia???
The three-day event brought together more than 250 energy experts representing officials, policymakers, stakeholders, municipalities,?and the private sector from the Mediterranean region with the aim of promoting the energy and climate transition.?Throughout 16 sessions, the conference offered participants multiple opportunities for active engagement, with high-level sessions and technical parallel sessions to reflect on implementing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy measures, focusing on Buildings and Appliances, and demonstrating successful pilot projects led by partners. The event?was organised by the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Control (ANME), in partnership with the Algerian National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use (APRUE). Read more
meetMED at Buildings and Climate Globale Forum in ?France
06-07 March - Paris, France??
Buildings and Climate Global Forum was?co-organised by France and?the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),?with the support of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC). Gathering?ministers and high-level representatives of key organisations?to spur the decarbonisation and resilience of the buildings sector. meetMED,?PEEB-Med?(Program on Energy Efficiency in Buildings) together with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)?oragnised?a high-level meeting on?Sustainable Construction in the Euro-Mediterranean Region,?to share the main findings on policy improvements in the building sector in the southern Mediterranean countries.?Read more
Tunisia National RoundTable within the MED Sustainable Energy Investments Forums?
29 February - Tunis, Tunisia?
The panel discussions highlighted the?Tunisian experience in financing energy efficiency projects and the approach adopted (the regulatory framework, financial mechanism, government incentives, the implementation) as well as the?funding challenges that hinder energy efficiency. Besides presenting the national strategies to stimulate investments, particularly in the building sector and household appliances and success stories. Read more
GrassMED Green Building Rating System Training Course?
26-28 February - Amman, Jordan | 05-07 February - Marrakech, Morocco?
GRASSMed?is a building certification system, developed in Lebanon in coordination with?the Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and Environment (ALMEE).?As part of meetMED II project activities, the tool is being adjusted to the contexts of other Mediterranean countries. It serves both as a regional platform for training stakeholders concerned with energy efficiency and as a performance standard for new and existing buildings in the residential and commercial sectors. GRASSMed aims to support greenhouse gas reduction in the building industry by promoting exchanges and using shared tools. MeetMED II experts and stakeholders from government institutions, academics, and construction sector consulting firms from Jordan and Palestine were brought together for the English edition of the three-day training course in Amman. Read more
Notably, the French edition of the training was held in Marrakech and the full training package is now available on the project website. ?