The Meetings Show, Business Travel Show Europe 2024, MOVE, Lending / Insurance / Banking / Wealth Transformation Summit - draft

#tags: Intellectual Property Thieve OR charging criminal, blocking criminal, and other types of nationalities

PREAMBLE: I was refused a free ticket to the 19-20th june 2024 ExCel business events. organizers deemed instead of few thousands participants - companies directors, but charged everyone large money . Visitor passes ranged from free to few thousands per person, exhibitor pass prices were not described, but from my experience in the past it ranges from few to tens of thousands for a stand, in total there were more than a thousand exhibitors.

Events create loss to the European economy if they prevent startups to enter or charge not-having money people. Business is very fast, there is no time to anybody to meet, ExCel events is a place of direct contact. Some have money, some have valuable Intellectual property and skills. Each lost billions affects 40,000 people, leads to skilled people homelessness, childlessness, torture in not skilled jobs.

This year i attended approx 30 events. Approx half participants handled me their business cards existed about business ideas i told saying: write to me more. Organisers blocked my email and i am not able to submit this feedback.

MAYBE DAMAGES WERE specifically FOR ME??? On 13th march 2024 I lost 6 conferences bcs building security took my out by force as described in On 5?6th March i went wrong direction, to wrong side of the building and lost 4 large conferences. I had health problems and did not attend May events too. Before that I was attending ExCel events since 2018, and collected approx 5000 business cards.

............I go to conferences to meet potential business partners, investors. I send to the organizers pitches. 2-4h of conversations in total per day, 10 days per year in ExCel exhibitions/ conferences / events ( 1-5min at each stand) is the only place where I meet people I like and can talk about that I think (usually i attend 3-6 conferences per day, indeed, i am busy as a startup, and i have a lot of problems too).

I did not get free tickets to The Meetings Show, Business Travel Show Europe 2024, MOVE, Lending / Insurance / Banking / Wealth Transformation Summit 2024 to which i was eligible as fintech, company, buyer or public person and may more logical reasons

but Four events organizers were shouting/telling to the face that you MUST PAY in ORDER TO ENTER.

after the explanation in words and in written,

1) I am fintech. All web-platforms comprises marketplace. I am not direct buyer, but , obviously I am smth where other business can sell. Thus i am very strong buyer, where conference participants can sell if web-platform is build. But, business reality is much broader and there are many more ways how most of participants could benefit and make billions if business is successful.

One of organizers pointed to other small details, which is too far from the business reality. Real business finds unique niches, have genius ways to provide different values, and collaborate in diverse ways which it is not possible to describe by NOT SMART ENOUGH PERSON. For example, I am not a direct lender, insurer, but i have an idea of innovative web-platform for tourism, urban-agriculture, culture, catering-industry which needs insurance company, ID check, lender, payment gateway, visas, and many more services which I leave as a proposal for business: could you please think how you could participate / fit (like sustainable MOVE industry for sure fits to the tourism, and urban agriculture web-platforms which need vehicles)!

2) Since 2018 I have collected approx 5000 business cards. Approx half participants-directors were giving them to me excited. How the organizers can decide instead of people/companies inside the event? Innovative web-platforms may bring billions to the UK and EU economy. The participants are worth to hear about them.

The fact, that these explanations are not clear and do not reach the Event organizers mind literally shows that they collect money under the name of ExCel and event, but do not understand damages and the business reality.?

3) I have three educations, in the last 6y I wrote 15 projects to the UK gov describing various innovations, which were assessed wrong and created 5000 pages court-case with start-up loans and 500 pages professional complaints to UKRI, which i can not reveal because they describe patentable innovations, except few notes [~,~,~].

(3a) My input to public sector is 25y diligent unpaid-research and studies double shifts proven by 10 publications in the best journals, patent,15 projects, court-case. I lost carer in science i believe because University did not want to pay the money for me. Value by time to public sector is about half million. I do not know if my complaints and court-case impacted anything, and from my point of view, value of Intellectual Property is billions, which were discarded by the gov.? My work was not paid for, but the last 12 full time were wasted to write complaints and projects.

(3b) As a founder, I have business model to provide services FOR FREE, and company values to put profit to science, politics and art students, i.e. people who work. Each innovative web-platform approx value is billions and some comprise patentable devices worth hundreds billions. I do not know where Intellectual Property Thieves put the money to? If i manage to make reality 15 projects wrote, i put 500 billions money to 40,000,000 skilled European people according my estimation. But, if the patents are lost, it is not possible.

4) At present, I am on Universal Credit to start business, £300 pm, which is consumed by business expenses ( mob, server, computer parts, storage, travel) = £0-100 to survive. Despite this explanation four of organizers were repeating: YOU MUST PAY IF YOU WANT TO ENTER.?

5) Finally, I explained to the organizers the damages.

Events create billions in loss to the European economy if they prevent startups to enter or charge not-having money people. Business is very fast, there is no time to anybody to meet, your events is a place of direct contact. Some have money, some have billions worth Intellectual property and skills. Each lost billions affects 40,000 people, leads to skilled people homelessness, childlessness, torture in not skilled jobs.

IT market changes hourly. It is important to meet other companies NOW! It maybe too late tomorrow.

On the one hand, organisers deprive me after 25y studies and research from potential investor, and Intellectual Property loss. Others did not study three education, did not make research during COVID, do not have skills and did not realized Intellectual Property.

If events do not function it leads to billions relocation to Intellectual Property thieves who has no minds and some to create ideas solving global challenges, removing bottlenecks, saving time and money.

On the other hand, the organizers make loss for large companies who paid, BCS usually they were happy to deliver me their cards in the past events. Most is them studied and worked for free for many years to develop technologies. I mean they overpaid too .


Many people lack of contact and conversation, and must pay too much for it. Companies worked hard, studied unpaid. Rarely understand that studies is a work which give rise to innovations worth billions. Tens of thousands people work for free, single one arrives to profit, which maybe easily stolen by the Intellectual Property thieves. All conference participants worked for free for 4-10 years. There must be organizers and cleaners working for free to compensate this.


Nobody is born purely to charge. All participants paid enough. If one names itself EUROPEAN BUSINESS EVENT, eventually one may collect millions, It is difficult to understand damages, bcs it is not the doctor who failed treatment or driver who went wrong direction. 30y of charging without penalizing sound as success, and everybody will pay money forever. I want to describe in this article obvious organisational failures and damages.


All other businesses and participants believes they arrived to the business events

All other businesses and participants believes they arrived to the business events, and that they are accessible to visitors with skills, Intellectual Property or money. They do not believe they arrived to pay money for the title!

Approx 1 of 10,000 innovators reaches commercial success. I do not know success ratio of other types of businesses. I mean, people who makes money for values provided to the customers at normal price passed enormous competition. ( I put this to differentiate from businesses which provide pseudo-services or charge irrationally for essential services). All successful businesses time is valuable. If somebody collects them to a single place, it creates waste of time and efforts, and impression that they had business event and were accessible to a public, but, in reality they paid for the organizer who deprived them from conversation with a startup having intellectual property or skills, i.e. they paid for a charging ????

Organizers block premises, charge irrationally. They deprived me from free tickets i was eligible for, and events participants were deprived from billions worth Intellectual Property.

Organizers collect money under the name of event, and Excel venue. It is cheating to call one-self BUSINESS, EUROPE, EVENT if one purely collects paying people, but does not provide function-service. The events function is a direct contact between skills, education, Intellectual Property, money and business. Organizers who do not understand this must loose licences.


All participants are busy people, they provide services and have reasonable minds, they do not create billions in damages. I have no idea what is the reasoning is behind the refusal to accept. All to whom i was talking :

a) either repeated that i am not eligible, which is not truth ( I am startup, Fintech, potentially very strong buyer, potentially most of event participants would like to talk to me about businesses );

b) one of organizers pointed that free entrance is for a buyers, and pointed to other small details, which is too far from the business reality. See point-1 above.

(*) I am the author of

(**)the idea how to broaden tourism market bottlenecks hundreds - thousands time, and improve value for the customers and SME, I mean there is large impact to the public.

(**) the implementation mechanism of climate change problem. I mean web-platform and the device (not described in the pitch) is the implementation of logical solution - urban agriculture, which is in talks and documents and many governments and global organisations the last 50y who were paid in each step and pensioned just for talking.

(**) and i had more innovations ( it is not in the scope of this article to describe my innovations)

Organizers rules do not catch this directly. I described business in the emails requesting for free entranced, but organizers minds do not understand too. How they can collect money and organise events for the business if they do not understand business reality?

c) four organizers repeated that i MUST PAY.? YOU MUST PAY IN ORDER TO ENTER was wording of the organizers, touching all three events groups (MOVE, financial summits and events related shows). It seems, that organizers agreed TO charge start-ups and specifically me. The wording you MUST pay implies?

bi) that person only collect money and do not provides value for the customers (other event participants) !!!??

bii) do not understand business reality, terms like fintech, startup, marketplace where other participants can sell or business where other participants can participate to make billions. Literally, organizers decided instead of participants, and from my experience in the past and other conferences, the organizers decided oppositely than participants deemed, bcs participants were giving me their contact details in the past.?

All other people believes they arrived to the business events, and that they are accessible to visitors with skills, Intellectual Property or money. They do not believe they paid money for the organisers!


To make full picture, i must to add that i experienced various criminal damages and disturbances the last 6 year. For me it is obvious, that the UK infrastructure is infiltrated by criminal mentalities which charge irrationally; and waste the time. It seems for me that i am under surveillance of organisation which made me deliberate damages in various places like an exercise (storage, workplaces, courts, innovation funds and finally, affected ExCel venue to prevent from entering). On 13th march 2024 I lost 6 conferences bcs building security took my out by force as described in Before that on 5?6th March i went wrong direction, to wrong side of the building and lost 4 large conferences. Etc.. I had health problems and did not attend May events too.

I experienced criminal damages since 2018 March: symptoms of poisoning, medicating, beating. Smdb painted spots on my forehead, etc... My memory is deleted and i do not remember participants i talked to. I mean innovations worth billions are REAL MONEY, and it is areal risk that Europe loose these money through poor organised events, not functional innovation funds, technologically lagging and do not know what else is wrong the the courts, governments which does not work to assure fair economical competition and charges.

There are many people involved in ExCel events. It might be that some of them are making deliberate damages for the innovators. When organisation makes damages, it is difficult to understand the damage and the guilty person. Each organisation works in different parts of event, and do not understand in real time my explanations; especially billions damage to the economy may sound fun.

The fact that i was refused entrance shows, that in the organisations acts mentalities which kick out people. They kicked out me, they kicked-out good employee, etc..

The organizers for sure has reasoning: YOU MUST PAY, YOUR ARE ABANDONED.

This is not the same as to create value for the event participants, or to understand the business reality, values, concepts and damages.

Conclusion is

1) that Organizers who do not understand business reality purely collect money under the name of event, and Excel venue but creates waste of time to the participants. It is comparable to architect building house which ruins, engineer making car which dismount on the road, etc... Money they collect are real, but the damages they make to participants and economy are billions.?

2) there is too little direct contact between skills, intellectual property, ideas how to improve values or solve problems, existing services and the money. Charges for the direct contact are too high.

3) there are no penalties for people naming themselves EUROPE, BUSINESS, but shouting to the face YOU MUST PAY TO ENTER, and making a real crime, not giving free entrance for eligible person; and making choices instead of participants, success businesses ( my experience in the past events was that the participants were giving me business cards and contact details exited about the ideas i told to them) . Logically, the organizers must loose the licence to organise the business event, bcs they are not excited about the idea, they shout to the face YOU MUST TO PAY. WHO YOUR ARE THAT I MUST PAY FOR YOU???

4) As an innovator i must waste my time to write complains and requests the last three days. Everything must be fluent for me as a person who worked diligently approx 20y and reach billions worth innovations ( i mean billions not directly for me, but for others by saving time, money, improving quality).

The people who block entrance MUST loose licences. MONEY, TIME AND PREMISES ARE REAL resources. PERSONS who are not capable to understand business reality and who charges irrationally CREATE DAMAGES.



p.s. WEIRD CORRELATIONS with McDonalds:

I had no problems entering ExCel the last two years,? I was accepted to every conference I was applying to.

I was not in McDonalds since 2023 Feb, bcs security attacked me many times and I woke up several times with blue-red legs and wounds on the breast, which frightened me too much.

I came back to McDonalds to read with a computer at the end of Feb 2024, bcs I am not able to reach any result if I have no long working hours, and i wrote 10,000 lines of code in a few weeks. Later, according to the symptoms, smbd?hit my head from the back when I was sleeping and for a few months I was not able to reach any result. I was efficient at the end of May, wrote another 10,000 lines of code, then suddenly on 2nd june 2024 smbd debilitated me again.

Since 2024 March I am not able to enter ExCel conferences, I was removed by force or debilitation(?) from all main conferences, on 5th March 2024 I was confused and went to the wrong side and lost 4 conferences, on 13th March 2024 I was removed by the building security from 6 main conferences, later I was unwell and was not able to enter N conferences on May, and finally I was refused entrance two days ago to the 6 main conferences related my business on 19-20th June 2024.

All these damages might be by Intellectual Property Thieves or other organisations who surveil. I

  • submitted 15 projects to the UK gov describing billions worth innovations,?
  • wrote complaints about UK and EU innovation funds failures to many institutions, which i can not reveal because they describe patentable innovations, except few notes [~,~,~]
  • and I was in court-case with BEIS contracted or incorporated companies through BBB where after 3y it appeared that lying and false witnessing?tax-paid?defendants stating that laws are not applicable to them won in the High Court and the Court of Appeal discarded my appeal application.?


(a) Where to pay money? Who must pay money? Who is worth sponsorship? What is money? I was studying and researching 25y to arrive to my innovations, nobody understands this work, they believe idea worth billions is a work of 1 minute and take it for granted. Nobody pays for work to create billions innovation. And later, one of 10,000 who reached success by selling innovation pays for the events, i.e. cleaners, cafes, restaurants, hotels!!!! The world is mixture of cultures and minds. It is very bad that minds who understand purely charges are not penalized, because by collecting the money they live on all other people minds, and torture the minds, and deprives other types of minds from 20y work results, 1 minute communication, etc.. . Logically, charging mind should put the house to the bank and go to the betting, trading and casinos to make more money!!!

(b) What is direct contact, socialization, communication? Do people who work over-hours, and studies must pay for it? I believe premises must be for free, and people may book them anytime and clean themselves, most probably this reduced the cost to 0.001% and increase value by N-time, bcs smart people work 24/7 and sleeps on the chairs.

(c) What and where are damages?

The organizers, paying exhibitors may have expectations and wishes to pre-select startups by analyzing pitches prior-entering. I believe this is wrong, because start-ups may have billions worth Intellectual Property, which endangers to various damages by Intellectual Property Thieves and money relocation to third parties or different cultures, which never pay -back or manage to organise conditions for creation, not understand how much devoted work is behind the innovation. Start-ups are vulnerable because they like to talk about not-protected innovations. I believe, there must be avoided any Intellectual Property assessment, by organisers OR participants secretaries, etc.. I come to talk to directors which have power to take decisions. What can be analysed: studies, achievements, financial status such that person has no money to pay, activities ( like start-up loan, UKRI grant or Universal Credit to start business, which confirm that person is in the scope of event potentially interesting to exhibitors). Most probably exhibitors could be marked who is interested to talk to start-ups, and who is interested to talk purely to rich visitors having tickets for £2000.

(d) What is innovation?

(e) What is a risk and a danger? From my experience one may write thousands of pages of complaints, projects and text. If another person has different mind ? culture? mentality - he/she discards this to the bin, do not reply to any statement, bcs it does not speak to his heart .

(f) What is irrationality and criminal mentality?

The Meetings Show

[email protected]

Event Tech Live London 2024

Business Travel Show Europe 2024, 20th june 2024,

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Banking Transformation Summit

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Insurance Transformation Summit

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[email protected]

Wealth Transformation Summit

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Lending Transformation Summit


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