Meetings, meetings, meetings...
Who loves meetings? Anyone? Not me. In fact, I dread them and I think that most people I know dread them too. Just the thought of sitting in an uncomfortable chair in a stuffy room listening to others share ideas or more likely complain about what they don't like is disheartening at best. The general consensus is that instead of doing real quality work, a meeting is counterproductive or a waste of time.
Who is to blame for this waste of time in my already busy day? I don't want to finger point but somebody has to. Whoever is chairing the meeting is the guilty party. Really. A good chairperson makes sure that there is an agenda that is time bound and specific and that all input or conversations stay on topic. A good chairperson has a place to park information that is not relevant to the meeting but can be followed up later. A good chairperson makes sure that all voices are heard and respect is shown. A good chairperson also has the ability to wrap up a meeting so that attendees know what action plan is in place and what they are responsible for.
I attended a well run, all day meeting recently. Not only did the time fly but a sense of accomplishment was shared by many if not all participants at the end. It was a great day and a great experience.
Take the time to plan a good meeting and follow a format that you will be grateful for later.