Meeting Your Potential Investors Needs
Dan Genzel
Building a cumulative investment & commercial real estate portfolio to $100 Million and helping others do the same. The content I share ?? is about the process. More ????
For a real estate syndication model to be successful, it must meet the needs of three key stakeholders.
It must work for you, your prospective investors, and your real estate business as a whole.
Without meeting the needs of all three, you’ll inevitably run into serious problems.
In my last email, I shared with you how to meet your needs before we concern ourselves with serving potential private money investor’s needs. Now let’s looks at meeting the needs of your potential investors
Your capital raising model is useless if your potential private money investors ignore it. Therefore, our job is really straightforward. We need to connect with their craving.
We want our prospects to see our marketing and think, “Aahhh, they’re talking directly to me!”
When prospects look at you or your communications to them, they need to see themselves.
The only way to do it (and do it well) is to connect deeply with their craving. And for most, it’s the thought of opportunity i.e. making money
I firmly believe that the best marketing weapon you can ever hope to have is the ability to empathize with your clients.
I believe when you can articulate a person’s problem better than they can, they’ll believe you have the solution.
That’s why I don’t focus on shouting louder than everybody else to hype my deals. Instead (like I cook my steaks - low and slow), I work hard to connect with people’s desires and help them feel like my opportunity is the right fit.
When we get this right, investors feel like we understand exactly what they’re about.
To do this, we need to know:
Who are we going after?
What are they craving?
What are their fears and frustrations?
What are their hopes and aspirations?
Once we connect with their craving, we can make a promise that satisfies it.
We want them to think, “Not only do they know who I am and what I want, but they know where I want to be and they have an opportunity to get me there.”
Generally speaking, most investors want to invest in real estate deals to generate income and some appreciation down the road.
The truth is, your marketing can focus on one of four places.
First, your marketing can focus on you, and quite frankly, prospects aren’t that interested in you. Even though you’re awesome, they just don’t care because they’re too busy thinking about themselves.
Or, marketing can focus on your business. Once again, your prospects don’t really care about how great your company is.
If the focus is on you, your business, or your deal, you’ve got it all wrong.
The only thing that matters is if you can put the spotlight on the investor. Remember most investors are investing INTO your deal because they are running away from a problem…and that problem is usually a lack of return on their money which impacts their financial future. They are interested in investing in real estate to diversify their portfolio.
Think about the marketing you’ve been doing over the last 6-12 months. Where has the spotlight been shining?
On you? Your business? Or on your potential investor and their problems?
Here’s what happens: the moment you do a really good job of shining the spotlight on private money investors, they become interested in you and your company.
The key is starting with the focus on them and the struggles they’re going through right now.
To the victor belong the spoils,
Dan Genzel