The Meeting Place of Meaning

The Meeting Place of Meaning

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It is my Big 6.2.

Yesterday, and indeed the Weekend, I celebrated... albeit somewhat quietly. I had a Zoom Party with friends from all over. I drove to Cape Spear and took in that space which always brings me solace and strength.

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It is a meeting place of land, wind and water; as I see it. It is a meeting place of mind, body, spirit and Soul; as I experience it. It was remarkable, yet again.


As I approached my birthday, I found myself writing on mindful leadership and our lives as our countries. And, as I experienced my birthday weekend, I shared...

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  • Thankful for the #Kindness of birthday wishes. ?? Today, amongst other things, I have decided to take on a fun, funky, fierce little project. Each day, I will do something I have never done. A mini goal. An action. A completion. Personally. Professionally. I have been blessed to do a lot of things that I have wanted to do. At the 6.2 ... I am curious as to where one new thing a day will take me. One new thing, big or small... or somewhere in between. ?? Will consider my new 6.2 Ticket and see what I can punch on the ticket. Here I go. In the meantime... still a few hours left in the day. This 365 day thing, I have never committed to before... so that is 1, lol. ?? Oh... and a little redecor of the Living Room. ??

All of this is to say that 6.2 for me is about execution. Some years back, I forged an acronym for what I now call MESHing It.

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  • MISSION... this is about PURPOSE; getting clear on our WHY and JUST CAUSE, if you will. I liken this to the BEING. What is our best sense of Vision, Mission and Values? This is our MEANING. This is our grounding and founding; and it is well worth the investment of time to discern. I have done much of my own work on this for my next chapter, over these past two years.
  • EXECUTION... this is the ACTION; the DOING. This is the inspiration for the "I will do something I have never done. A mini goal. An action. A completion. Personally. Professionally. I have been blessed to do a lot of things that I have wanted to do. At the 6.2 ... I am curious as to where one new thing a day will take me. One new thing, big or small... or somewhere in between." For me, this year emphasizes and engages EXECUTION on the MISSION.
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  • SUCCESS... this is really about having a healthy definition of what success looks like; one less driven by outcomes and more by effort. Outcomes are, to varying degrees, outside of our control. Effort is not. Contentment. Content Meant. It is about the work. As LP Jacks once articulated... “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”
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  • HAPPINESS... now this is about enjoying the ride. It is about Joyfulness and Zeal along the way. Purposeful Enthusiasm, if you will. This is about not being lost in the destination at the expense of the journey. The ride matters. This is all about our countenance and gait.... how we walk the path.
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For me, my just cause is HUMANS TOGETHER, STRONG. It is about MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER, STRONGER. Period. Everything on my 6.2 Ticket...

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... is inspired by that. EPIC ENGAGE is driven by that. My work as an educator too, is ultimately driven by my belief in the role of business in building a better world. My FAITH... in practice as well. My LEARNING and HEALTH.... are intent on mind and body serving same. It is about my own work and play most healthily driven by this sense of personal purpose.

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My thought this day, as I enter my 6.2 ... is that exploring purpose matters. Ask yourself "What and who matters most to me?"

  • What cause of Service matters most to me?
  • What people personally matter most to me?
  • What people professionally matter most to me?
  • How can I best serve them?

Then, look at MISSION, EXECUTION, SUCCESS and HAPPINESS and define them. That is the meeting place of meaning.

Peace, passion, purpose and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

Me on LinkedIn


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Epic Engage


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  • You are an Activant … an Educator, Entrepreneur or Emerging Leader who is looking to make constructive change happen, on the ground, real-world, real-time. You are world-embracing and noble-hearted. You seek to mobilize a strong, united and character-driven team to change the world or your corner of it. You want to lead, inspire, educate and unite in doing so. Let’s go build a better world!
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I am an Activant too; an Educator and Entrepreneur by experience, education and Enthusiasm... with 40 years in leadership training and development, 27 years in business college education and 20 years certified and associated with The Virtues Project. Additionally certified for 16 years in Temperament Assessment and with a longstanding body of work around Character Leadership, I help advance conversation, consultation and capacity around CharacterPurpose and Unity... and the global goals. My work in business and education is to help those building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally. Humans together, strong.... that is my meaning... and the space I can stay forever. To that just cause, I commit.

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