Meeting the Need of Job Seekers and Businesses, Abel established AbelYou
Abel Personnel establishes AbelYou,?a series of workshops meeting critical needs of jobs seekers struggling to find viable employment.?While “We’re Hiring” signs are everywhere, many seeking employment still face considerable challenges.?Throughout our numerous interactions with job seekers, we find many struggling to find viable employment, who at often times are in difficult financial situations and looking for employment for a means to support their families. These individuals have the desire for success, but lack the knowledge of where to start or how to achieve their dreams.?Abel’s staff has found a huge need for soft skills and professional development. Many of these individuals often lacked the knowledge or resources to support viable employment efforts. Many did not have or know how to write a resume; some had never interviewed before or struggle with how to present their skills. Abel’s staff wanted to give back and pay it forward by sharing their knowledge and resources with those that truly need these skills the most. The team at Abel Personnel knew that they could help, they could be the change many were looking for;?they could give them confidence and tools necessary to land their dream jobs and achieve career success. Abel launched AbelYou Career Pathways as a free professional development resource for job seekers, career transitions, college grads basically anyone needing career support. AbelYou career pathways is a set of 6 weekly 30-minute sessions covering topics such as resume writing, interview preparation, cover letters, networking and much more.
?Abel is looking to change as many lives as possible by removing barriers to employment success through this initiative.?The current series runs Wednesdays?through May 25, 2022. Registration is required, but this service is without charge.?Inquiries can be made to our offices 717-761-8111 or 717-561-2222 - our website? or by email to?[email protected]