The meeting of heaven and earth is not war:it is a syncretism of the yearning for peace in a place and at a time when peace waits patiently in Nature.
Last night I presented a folk tune known throughout the land of Israel since the 1980s, a melody of wistful tones not yet realized ; dreams and hopes articulated but still unachieved, unaccomplished; expectations wafting-wallowing in the Middle-Eastern air; in short, lyrics unfulfilled. The English translation presents neither a neutral remedy nor a palliative nostrum for the Hebrew invocation. Accordingly, it is the right time to hear a response from the East to the call for peace, perhaps a rejoinder to the plaintiff voice of the West in an ingrained, inherent, innate, intrinsic wholly natural mode of expression.
"When you enjoy raindrops,
'Peace' comes to you,
When you hear birds sing,
'Peace' comes to you,
When you see fish swim in clean water,
'Peace" comes to you,
When you hear children laugh,
'Peace' comes to you,
And when you sit quietly
watching the sun rise and set
Listening to the waves sing
The 'Peace' comes to you
Let 'Peace' come to you in different ways
Let 'Peace' be with us all."
--Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts/14 September 2010