Meeting Green Schools Project's newest team member, Cathy Wentworth

Meeting Green Schools Project's newest team member, Cathy Wentworth


For our second #MondayMeet, let’s hear from our newest member of staff based in Bristol, Cathy Wentworth . As Development and Communications Officer, Cathy is transforming the way we communicate with educators and potential partners or funders and developing new and exciting networks in Bristol.

Tell us about your journey to this new role at Green Schools Project?

I started my career in fundraising after I left university and over the years have worked with some really brilliant organisations. Fundraising was a natural career choice for me - ever since I was little I would always have some fundraising scheme or project underway, whether it was a garage sale, carol singing or car-washing!?

The majority of my career was spent WaterAid and subsequently Farm Africa, where I developed a programme of corporate engagement with the food and hospitality industry as well as all of the charity’s community partnerships. In both roles I was fortunate to visit the organisations’ work in Africa - which was incredibly inspiring but also brought home the reality of how the effects of climate change were already affecting the daily lives of the communities there.?

After having my two daughters, now 10 and 6, I decided to set myself up as a freelance strategic fundraising consultant and spent several years supporting mainly small, local organisations to strengthen their fundraising approach and capacity. Being self-employed and in control of my own working pattern suited me in many ways but I really missed being part of a team and working within an organisation that I cared about.?

When the role came up at Green Schools Project I knew I had to go for it - despite having only seen the job advert the day before the deadline! I had been volunteering at my daughters’ school supporting the development of their sustainability activities for the last few years - so this role seemed a great fit. It was the perfect combination of everything I wanted from a job at this stage in my life - working within climate, nature and sustainability, with young people and schools and using a practical, tangible and local approach - and at the same time being part-time and matching the skills and experience I have. It was a real unicorn of a job and I am so pleased that I got it!?

What is a typical day like for you?

My role - Development & Communications Officer - involves supporting our business development and income generation activities as well as overseeing our communications. As with most roles in a small organisation, there’s no such thing as a typical day. In terms of a typical week, I will usually spend around two and a half days working on our business development - working on funding applications, meeting with our corporate partners or researching funding opportunities and around half a day a week on communications - planning and creating our social media posts or writing our newsletter. Some weeks the balance is different - that’s what makes it interesting!?

Something I’m really enjoying is that I have the opportunity to work face to face with colleagues based in Bristol. Tom Hague , Nell Byron and I will usually work in the office at least 2 days a week - made possible by our partnership with Future Leap | Certified B Corporation? . For an extrovert who is very much over the novelty of working from home, that is a real bonus!?

What has been your highlight at Green Schools Project so far?

Being part of the growth of Green Schools Project in Bristol has been really satisfying. Our partnership with Future Leap Network and securing funding from Bristol City Leap and the Triodos Foundation has enabled us to make significant strides in bringing climate education and action to schools in and around the city. A particular highlight was the opportunity to meet Carla Denyer MP at the Festival of Sustainable Business before she spoke to delegates about how Bristol must be part of a Just Transition to Net Zero.?

What are your goals for Green Schools Project for 2025??

Having started in June, I feel settled but still a little bit new! I haven’t yet seen our Zero Carbon Schools through a whole school year, so I’m really looking forward to seeing that in action so that I can better communicate what we do and find connections and ways to engage with partners and funders. My daughters’ school has signed up - so I'll be able to see how the Zero Carbon Schools programme works throughout the year with the four stages and see the pupils’ projects ‘in real life’!?

I’m also really excited by the progress we’ve already made in growing our presence in Bristol and I think there is so much more opportunity to play a bigger role in leading the way with climate education in the South West.?

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into what you do?

I’m not sure I’ve got any ground-breaking advice… but I generally think that spending time reflecting on what you enjoy and what you care about and working out a way to make a living from it is a good approach. I love people and have always liked bringing people together to make good things happen - so working in the not-for-profit sector building partnerships and raising funds was a natural path for me which fits my values, skills and personality.?

And finally, tell us a bit about yourself - what brings you joy??

A few years ago I came very close to losing one of my best friends to cancer, and at around the same time I started having health issues of my own. Over the years that followed I have made a conscious decision to let go of certain things and prioritise a better balance in all areas of my life in order to allow more time for things I enjoy. These days this includes spending time in nature, growing and gifting flowers, open water swimming and singing in a community choir. Above all, what brings me the most joy are my two daughters, Lucy and Rosa, my husband Joe and spending time together as a family.?

With my girls Lucy and Rosa



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