Meeting Great People
Jeff Bartlett
Entrepreneur and growth leader of digital marketing and media business. Building a World Class Team and a billion dollar company
Running a successful company has given me the platform to meet, recruit and hire many amazing people over the years. As ConsumerTrack gets larger, our business needs even more talent and experience to help us innovate and continue our growth and success.
This drive for growth has transformed my role to be very people focused. I spend the vast majority of my time with our Team, as well as spending time meeting people that could potentially join our Team.
ConsumerTrack has no greater asset then the 120+ people that make-up our Team. That is who we are. It has taken us over a decade to get this right, with plenty of misses and mistakes. We get smarter every day and learn from our missteps.
Now we need to add more talent and experience to our Team to help us all elevate. We need to move a bit quicker than we have historically. Our hiring managers and talent acquisition Team are recruiting and interviewing like crazy for new positions.
Just getting the opportunity to spend time with so many talented people in our industry is a gift. I learn from every single encounter. The advice and ideas help shape our evolving strategy and the diverse perspectives open our eyes to more possibilities and how to take different approaches to solve challenges.
I wish we could hire every amazing and passionate person that we have the chance to spend time with, but unfortunately, we are one of those old-school companies who focus on making a profit and don't have the same luxuries of companies that are smart enough to go raise $100,000,000 to fund their growth. Thankfully, we are good at running a profitable company, as we have done that over the past 14 years, while still growing and innovating.
So the challenge is, how do we pick the right ones to add to our Team? I probably meet people everyday that could improve ConsumerTrack. We need all the help and talent that we can get. I have hired hundreds, maybe thousands of people in my career, so this isn't the hiring 101 question.
Culture fit is a very large component of how we evaluate and make decisions on talent -- that will never change. But we are now in a position to meet many, many amazing people that would be a great culture fit. We need to choose the right people, that are the right fit, for this moment in time for both sides to thrive. There is no shortage of demand for greatness in the digital space right now. Candidates have an infinity of options, especially in places like Los Angeles.
We are fortunate enough to be considered by so many amazing candidates and we want to do right by each on of them, whether a fit today or not. The trends of the past, when employees stayed with the same company for 5-10-20+ years are over. We have to learn more about what each candidate is looking for and what would keep them wanting to stay part of a great, growing Team. ConsumerTrack has had major contributors that only spend 1-2 years here, and incredibly impactful employees that have been with us almost 10 years. We need to make both scenarios work and continue to evolve to match the changing trends in how individuals look at their careers.
We believe there is no more of an important role at ConsumerTrack than the missions of our HR and TA Teams. Both of these Teams are focused on our Team and potential Team.
Having said all that, every ounce of advice, ideas, referrals and strategies that you can share with us to improve the choices we make to grow our Team would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!