The meeting of granddaughters

The meeting of granddaughters

I just read UNSG Antonia Guterres's linkedin post "A letter to my granddaughter's granddaughter " posted on 21st April 2023.

It made my day! Like a message in a bottle sent out into the ocean of life. It immediately inspired me to share the preface of my recent book "Shine" published on the 11th of November 2022.

I hope my granddaughter will be able to meet your granddaughter and inspire us all individually and inter-personally toward higher grounding and viewpoints.

"Preface for my granddaugther" from the book Shine.


If you read this, I would be happy to hear your views in the comments. Thank you


(from pages 12 - 38)


Granddaughter- I can just hear you giggling as you read this, and I can hear you say, "No, Grandpa, I'm still young."

"Yes, my dear," I often say, "but who knows whether I'll still be around when you come back home?" Things are not the same anymore, and more importantly, things are not what they seem to be. I need you to prepare your eyes and heart for what is to come. Humanity has gone through many ages, each with its own evolution and dispensation.

There are great cycles that run through millennials, smaller ones that run through centuries, and others that run through decades. Things change, perceptions change, realities change, and yet you know all those changes do not reflect the real reality of humankind, but rather our perceptions of reality. The majority of human beings are products of their environments. A rare few are the creators of their environments, and even rarer are those who create new environments.

Across 17th century Europe, the Age of Reason led to economic and political revolutions (the powers of the state and the republic); the rise of secularism; colonialism; capitalism; and consumerism; and was characterized by rationalism and liberalism; the denial of supernaturalism; skepticism toward religious faith; and hope for salvation. The corruption in the church never left the shadows, but rather it democratized itself into all other sectors, notably the state and the corporation. The lower vibrational density helped advance material progress at high speeds of accomplishment, but it also helped unleash demons, the destroyers of the earth, and encouraged the rebellion against the divine and its people. Did they throw out the baby with the bathwater?

The Age of Reason, also known as the Age of Enlightenment, gave birth to establishing science as a source of knowledge and defending human rights against the tyranny of the monarchy and the church. The Declaration of Independence of the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of Man (Humans) and Citizen of France are fundamental examples of that achievement.

However, it also contains the seeds of over-rationalization and, eventually, the automatization and robotization of mankind, leaving the sheeple, those disenfranchised from public affairs, to those whom the government always knows best. The Age of Enlightenment, centuries later, gave way to romanticism, calling for more subjectivity with an emphasis on individualism, spontaneity, and freedom from rules. With each new age bringing forth the creation of new forms and blueprints of art, philosophy, and social organization, and the perception of new realities.

Realism was then presented as the polar antithesis of Romanticism in the second part of the nineteenth century, which led to modernism, reflecting the emerging industrial world, urbanization, architecture, new technologies, and world wars, and finally to post-modernism, reflecting an attitude of skepticism towards the "grand narratives" of modernism. Now here we are in the dead end of post postmodernism, hyper modernism, or simply put; the end of the ideals of modernism, For decades, we have been drifting into the age of disillusionment, where profits dominated human value, ecosystems, and the environment, pushing us to the brink of scarcity, destruction, and biodiversity collapse. With luck, a new age of reason revived today could usher in the re-civilization of a new epoch of ecology and cosmology, in all its expressions (arts, culture, judiciary, economy, politics, technology, philosophy, and justice).

However, the only enlightenment today comes from a screen rather than from within us. The public education system did not promote the enlightenment of the individual, but rather suppressed critical thought and neurodiversity. It produced preformatted, standardized, and obedient worker-citizen consumers that are programmed to feed the system that holds them captured, exploited, and enslaved. Silently and collectively, they are sawing the branch of reason on which we are all sitting.

Meanwhile, the new age is still gestating in its holographic womb. In this age of limbo, many forms of socio-economic and political polarization are increasing. The spiritual darkness of the time is deepening. The Enlightenment has been digitized (information) and digitalized (processes), but who controls the Light?

Public opinion divides are becoming oppositional and conflictual in many parts of the world. We are all forced to take sides without informed consent and dragged into the abyss of unconsciousness, where we lose all that makes us human.

These days, we see corruption in all values: religious, state, nobility, and organized institutions. Many people lose touch with themselves and are lost in illusional concerns, delusional mandates, and fabricated freedoms. In sumptuous waves of self-knowledge, the realms of the mythical, imaginary, symbolic, and material collide and collapse into each other.

We are at the gates of a new age where the past, the present, and the future merge into one consciousness. The essence of all time will be extracted into a new space-time to be experienced. This could mark the dawn of a new world for us, but it will also depend on us.

I love you so much that I cannot go away without giving you the tools you will need to make your way through these times. All will not be lost; it cannot be lost. This is my promise, and it is the only one I have kept, time and time again.

You know, I have seen how the masquerades of falsehood led us all into the parades of despair and horror. I have seen what violent conflict does to people, when hope in humanity is lost. I have seen the beast scream in the eyes of men as they grasp for their final breath. Reality and the state of the world may soon become upside-down and unrecognizable, and if you are not able to see things for what they are, you will not be able to see the way out of this confusing labyrinth. To discover who you truly are and to uncover a secret that I imagine every living human has wanted to know since the dawn of mankind, you will need to self-elevate and see through the layers and levels of the spins. You will tell me what you discover and uncover from your perspective and not from anyone else’s.

The real, unreal, virtual, and hyperreal will now merge and emerge to create new realities at the outer edges of your imagination. I remember you falling and hurting yourself while wearing the virtual reality headset I bought you last year. Not only did you hurt yourself by blundering into the objects you couldn’t see in your room, but I remember that you also experienced virtual reality sickness that disrupted your sensory system and led to nausea, sweating, pallor, and a loss of balance. What you see and experience is not always the reality of what is in front of you, there are subtle realities beyond our perception. You laughed when I said that reality is our shared hallucination, just like I laughed when I tried the VR headset and realized that reality is not a species-specific user interface. It may have been true before the information technology revolution, but not today. And tomorrow, when everything is possible, my lab will have realized that its private beta-release technology with neurochemical cocktails will enable us to tap into different realities using a crystalline mapping system. There is much more going on.

If I have to go before you return, my granddaughter, I want to make sure you get this book. This book was a revelation for me, and I know it will be for you as well. For the first time, a voice from the unknown darkness brought forth a light within me that I could see with my eyes closed...

This particular dialogue novel is the story of a man’s journey from darkness to light. He goes on a red-pill journey high-up on a philosophical mountain, in search of new heights and perspectives, from which he is able to observe beyond two worlds and timelines, each with its own past, present, and future. I remember watching the Matrix movie, where Neo has to choose between the red and blue pills. He has to make the decision of whether to accept the red pill, which could reveal an uncomfortable or life-altering fact, or the blue pill, which would keep one in blissful ignorance. In any case, I believe it is time to look beyond pill selection, red-team and blue-team debates, false choices, good and evil, and potentially all duality to see the face of the ultimate reality in which we are contained.

The power of story, myths and metaphors, mystery initiations, and exploration can transcend our shared values, intangibles, and worldviews, as well as the outer limits of our collective experience, and possibly kindle both ordinary and non-ordinary states of consciousness. This is why I have always encouraged your parents to have a huge collection of readings, including science, scripture, and especially fairy tales, ever since they were young. The truths hidden in broad daylight are often hard to discover, but the greatest treasures are hidden within each soul, where nobody dares to look. But you, my beloved, are a treasure hunter, an observer, and a deep listener; may you always be guided to the greatest of all treasures. Knowledge, experience, imagination, and most importantly, the unknown, have to be explored for the development of a sound mind and a courageous heart.

There is information beyond words, metaphors, and parables, and you are tapped into it.

Enjoy the mental gymnastics and (un)stretch yourself while experiencing the book. Explore the layers of constructs: the inner, the external, and the unknown. Don’t jump to judgments and conclusions too quickly, and keep an open mind. There is a light within you from which you can shine and see a new world that is unfolding, and only then, will you know who really holds power - the Good or the Evil, and the role of the Devil in the divine play.

I know that going within is no easy task, not even for me. I feel today, almost everyone I meet has a severe attention deficit disorder, in one way or another, even more so with the "connected" younger generations. There is so much going on, and there are so many user interfaces to operate, yet, we still live in a 24-hour day. Rare are those who still have time to read a book, but I know you will make the time.

The mind resides, develops, dwells, and drifts into many houses. From the moment of our birth, we are programmed to fit in. Don’t get me wrong, education is important, but without critical thinking, we very quickly become dogmatic, brainwashed, and drift into echo chambers with clear categories and labels. In so many ways, too much of anything is not good, so, my beloved granddaughter, you have to find your own balance for the current times, and accept nothing that you have not understood from your own perspective. If there is one lesson that Nazi Germany and other fascist regimes around the world have taught us, it is that a nation may commit the worst atrocities against humanity by blindly obeying orders, instructions, hierarchies, and social orders. Remember how the Pipe Piper of Hamilton brought all the children over the cliff with his tunes?

I know you will overcome your fears of heights and knowledge. You might discover yourself on higher ground, with two viewpoints of equal validity; one looking down towards the outer world and the other looking down towards the inner world. Things, visibility, and oversight can get foggy, fuzzy, hidden, and dark here. The appearance can be superficial and deceptive. Beware, the invisible and the visible carry the same weight until the veil of separation falls. So slow down, take your time to understand the fundamental nature of existence, and do not rely on appearances to establish what is real in life. Trust your heart, and always remember to see through your unique lens and sensing ability. I can see that the world you inherit is very challenging. There might be nowhere to go but deep into your own consciousness to tap into and drink from the wells of wisdom.

You have been told many stories, and this is one more to wake you up to a new level. Angels and demons are no longer hidden, and the world is quickly dancing on its moral ground. The turbulence is great, and the waves of clouds have the power to change everything that appears.

If we are lucky, the fog may clear up, and we might see emergent paradigms, and all that constitutes the existence of perceptions of realities in the "real world". We will be presented with an ultimate choice — to choose clarity, creativity, and freedom, or fall into captivity, conflict, and slavery.

Each one will have to make their own choice with the patterns that they recognize and how they connect the dots. Nobody can make that choice for you. After all, we are responsible for what we know and the decisions we make, and we must be wary of manufactured and imposed realities. There are multiple forces, overt and covert, legal and occult, that have the power to program our inner workings, genetics, perceptions, beliefs, choices, and actions.

Sometimes, we may have a problem with perception and inference, and we may not see the full picture, and we may give things meaning that do not hold. And the fog itself takes on visual significance. Images stimulate our reasoning, but appearances can conceal reality. Its movement, form, and depth may play with each other and your sight, leading to multiple perspectives and truths.

Always look deeper within. The reality we perceive may not be what we think it is, as we will be limited by our immediate senses, predisposed knowledge, and conclusions.

If we are to reinvent a better world in this technological age, we might need to find a way to wrap our minds around this problem of (mis)perception and (mis)representation of reality, including what and how we analyze and synthesize into what we call reality: the material; the immaterial; the phygital, the spiritual; the scientific; the linguistic; the observed; the recorded; the interface; the sexual; the instinctive. There is a fine line that runs through augmented reality awareness, altered states of consciousness, and our understanding of reality.

Some may build better arguments and develop new talents to elevate themselves, while others may adopt new perspectives and simply learn to tune out the noise to gain super clarity. Sooner than we imagine, some of us will be connected to a machine-brain wireless interface like a neurolink chip, and other non-invasive electromagnetic or heat-based communication channels that could enhance or distort perception, control movement, thoughts, and the representation of reality.

Whatever the approach, both learning and unlearning are important. It's time to pause, reflect, and separate the good from the bad in terms of data, information, knowledge, and narratives (ideas, stories). The Devil's in the details.

Ideas and stories have the potential to open the mind and create pathways for new levels of awareness. This story is as old as humanity itself—the story within a story about a man’s journey to clarity. He meets the Serpent at the Tree of Knowledge, who caused man's fall in the Garden of Eden.The Devil now appears in modern times, speaks in knowledge spectrums, and declares himself reborn in the spirit of our times, our zeitgeist. This story allows you to see in the dark and listen to the unknown.

Both the Fallen Angel and Man explore the complexities of good and evil in modern society and culture; the distortion and manipulation of facts; the (mis)perceptions of reality; the social (de)construction of knowledge; the collapse of the educational system; the manufacture of consent; authority and legitimacy; and the use and misuse of technologies (psychological, scientific, spiritual, and digital) in the world we live in.

The pace and consequences of these technologies will define how humans ground themselves and stake out positions for the future of humanity. I do not know what the future of humanity will be, but I do know that we might be at our darkest hour, and dawn will bring something new, unexpected, and perhaps unrecognizable. I want you to be prepared and equipped with the right knowledge, which can only emerge from within you.

I remember you, asking endless questions. You were a child who sought and discovered the truth in your world. What is this? Why is this? How so? We, as adults, tend to give our answers based on what we were told and taught, and that is never the entire truth of what is. There are things that we, as adults, never question. Please don’t hold grudges against us. We are not all old souls who had to live our lives to the beat of our generation's music. Please never lose touch with your inner child. You are a child of your time. Never stop asking questions, no matter how ridiculous or difficult they may be. You cannot live in the new world with an old mindset. You have to recognize the plays and powers at work.

We need to ask ourselves: "What does it mean to be human today and in the years and decades to come?" In a post-truth, technology-driven world, what is truth and what is falsehood? Do we have a shared planetary ontology to understand the multiple realities, opportunities, and dangers that co-exist simultaneously? Are we walking each other home, or are we creating an ever more fragmented and contradictory world? Perhaps if we look deep within, we will realize that each of us creates our own reality within a projected reality.

Some of us thought that we had the world under control until we realized that we didn’t, and the human ecosystem has become extremely fragile. The list of ailments is long and persistent: finance; climate; energy; food; water; gender balance; mental health; racism; unemployment; violent conflict; inequalities; loss of truth in the individual and collective, massive transfers of wealth from Main Street to Wall Street with each new crisis.

Incidentally, in 1711, the New York City Common Council passed a law to make Wall Street the city's first official slave market for the sale and rental of enslaved Africans and Native Americans. It was a world in which one human being was, involuntarily, by coercion or force, mentally dominated and owned by another human being. Enslaved people were denied basic human rights and were treated as property or cattle under the law. A person’s enslavement could be for life or for a fixed period of time. Today, there are more than 50 million people and children enslaved, despite it being illegal (i.e., forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servants, forced marriage, child soldiers,...). They reflect our inhumanity and our ignorance of these conditions. Across the world, billions of other people may enjoy more human rights, which is debatable, and are (in)voluntarily enslaved by a state, system, or a program that operates slavery. The physical chains are gradually replaced by media brainwashing and mind-control drugs for those attempting to flee captivity. A broad majority are compliant with the system to varying degrees of bondage and satisfaction. We all knew it wasn’t working for everyone, but we couldn’t afford to risk our position in the game. We are born into it; we live it from the outside in rather than from the inside out.Getting ahead was more important than getting it right. We all had our reasons, and I had many.

It is not easy to articulate the new with the limiting vocabulary of the old. Is there anyone controlling the narratives? Is there someone giving power to words, thoughts, and ideas? Could it be you, or perhaps somebody you know, or the zeitgeist?

One thing is for sure, you will be able to make up a story from your beliefs, perceptions, and your rendition of the truth, past, present, and future. Surely, you are able to create a future story in which you see yourself. Will you limit yourself or construct your next fantasy, based on linear, cyclical, and emotionally entangled spacetime projections?

If we are unable to see through the layers, we may be prisoners of our own devices, even if we hold the keys to greater insight. When these ailments (truth, falsehood, and fantasies) are superimposed or get triggered in a lockstep domino, they can cause great real consequences: delays, misery, conflict, and mistrust, leading to a fatal shift and a total system collapse. Yes, that is a thing.

Corruption and counterfeiting were a plague that kept spreading until they became normalized in every sector of society. Some believe that we have lost our cultural identity, and others believe we are transitioning and shifting into a new culture. Perhaps a technological society will redefine us.

It is all happening very fast. Some communities value numbers, not stories. Some communities value religion, others value a common mythology or shared dream. Many communities simply live day to day, paycheck to paycheck, with little hope for a better future for their children, unable to turn back the hands of time or to create a new story moving forward. There will always be exceptions to the rule, and the rare few that will bend, break, and create a new rule.

The competition and confluence of values have tipped the scales of individual and collective acceptability. When we lack visibility, we can make cloudy judgments that can lead us off-track, into a roadblock, into an accident, or straight into a wall. Man has crafted nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction and designed lethal autonomous weapons without much ethical consideration. The fear of the other has led us to a point of mutually assured destruction. We have withdrawn ourselves from nature and polluted the living waters. We are at war with our own species, and we do not know how to get out of this predicament. Humanity may collapse, become extinct, or mutate into something else. At first slowly, and then suddenly.

I’m convinced that it is our need and responsibility to understand the broader picture, potentially also redefine a new big picture, if we are to discover a new resolution and arrive at a new agreement. Of course, we need and want to understand the shadows that surround us. What is it that is part of reality, that we just do not see? What broke us down? Which pieces are falling apart, hidden or in secrecy, captured by technology, and how can we transcend the obstacles that lie ahead? We need to explore who we are as humans if we wish to survive and rebuild ourselves with a greater vision.

I never stop asking: What is sight and insight? Do we really see with the eyeballs, or do we see with the mind? What is the power of facts, fiction, illusions, beliefs, dogmas, propaganda, misperceptions, misinformation, and the worldviews that are shaping our minds? What have we forgotten? Those eternal questions of where we came from and where we are going? Why do we exclude some knowledge and get overly attached to other knowledge? Why does some knowledge make us feel uncomfortable? A war is being waged on consciousness in order to create prefabricated sub-reality.

Why do we know of knowledge that creates existence in today's world order, and what do we know of knowledge that governs disorder in the world? You may already have ideas for the first question, but what about the second? Organized society is ever more hungry for trust in terms of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, narratives, and relationships. Without the right trust, we run like headless chickens straight into the slaughterhouse. Without trust in the higher self, the house can appear as multiple delusional realities worse than a slaughterhouse, where troubled souls dwell in infinite loops within the realms of their psychotic fantasies.

I hope we never forget the horrors of war, the holocaust, the extermination of one community by another, and how nations and people were programmed into pure evil destruction.

In a novel like this, with an infamous antagonist, it might have been dangerously taboo to write or speak about the recent past. The higher level of questioning is traditionally reserved for angels and Gods and rarely with the anti-hero, who is reserved for philosophers, psychiatrists, healers, classical thinkers, writers, and domain researchers, but also for the occult forces, witchcraft, secret societies, and Hollywood’s entertainment industry. There are some things that we just can not ignore or dismiss without suffering consequences later down the road.

This book deviates from the traditions of the know-it-all father figure, which is the foundation of paternalistic societies and long-outdated institutions.It seeks to make peace with our inner child and revisit the nature of reality beyond the early programming, collective norms, and understanding of our society.

We will not evolve by navigating the visible lights, symbols, and teachings; rather, we will journey deep into the darkness, where the real journey begins. We are to recall and re-member the divinity within us all. This is where we will find new resolutions and be the best versions of ourselves. It might bring a new perspective to heal those who may be in fear, trauma, anxiety, or confusion about the state of the world and the dark side of technology - mass surveillance, loss of privacy, and a humanity controlled by artificial general intelligence. It is designed to spark the inner flame of growth and development through self-inquiry, rather than the blind acceptance of hearsay and blind obedience to the social construct or any higher authority that has brought us into the limbo that we find ourselves in. We need to tap into new focus, attention, and energy to leapfrog out of the situation.

Never, in the history of humanity, have we had so much access to information and communication and yet found ourselves drowning in information and lost in translation and fragmentation of the mind. There is no doubt that the Internet is the library of libraries, but it can also be the final nail in the coffin of the Internet of things. In this day and age, I believe we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pursue universal truth(s) creatively and to deal objectively with the multidimensional challenges that lie ahead. We might need to brush up on our ethics and morals to know what is important for our species, and learn to filter the signal from the noise, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

The answers we seek and the choices we must make necessitate deeper insight and understanding, as well as greater inspiration that goes beyond existing belief and knowledge systems. Nowhere will you find the higher truth if you do not seek it, neither in the books of science, nor the scriptures of religion, nor the AGI chatbots. What got us here won’t get us there, not without some deep shifts and pivots in our minds, identities, perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts.

In this story, the protagonist, who questions the nature of reality, knowledge, obscurity, and Light in both the inner and outer worlds, does not speak to God. Instead, he turns around and converses with the master of the underworld.

In this story, the antagonist is the Devil, the master manipulator, the evil anthropomorphized, the master of deception, who sits on the tree of knowledge and knows the secrets of illusions and illusory. We are invited to release the old mental models and behavioral patterns that no longer serve us, so we can see our world from a new perspective and embrace new opportunities that would have otherwise been hidden from us.

Together and concurrently, the human and the fallen angel provide a unique superobserver viewpoint with high-resolution lenses, dispersing light beams by means of (re)fraction, to see through the riddles, the ignored, neglected, feared, unreal, lies, and the manipulations that make up diametrically opposing worldviews, and sieves through the constellation of patterns to materialize key concepts and understandings.

Speak of the Devil, and he is sure to appear. It is known that when you speak to the abyss, the abyss responds. The echoes may snap us out of autopilot mode, force us out of the cave, and open our eyes to the real world behind the curtains of the great simulation that we are experiencing as modern human beings.

The narrative takes place during the current rapture, the multidimensional crisis, its trials and tribulations, and the evolution of Homo technologicus to Homo servus, or the evolution of Homo spiritus to Homo deus.

Will the God-Man (God-Woman) be the flesh that becomes the word, or will it be the word that becomes flesh? Could a human become God, or could God become human again? The situation is unavoidable; humanity 2.0 is on the horizon. A superintelligence, an übermensch, is around the corner, and to spice it all up, at the same time, the lawless and fallen one, has now escaped from his 1000-year imprisonment. Maybe we need to revisit ancient scripture, maybe we need new knowledge, and maybe we need a metaphysical experience to stimulate the clarity and creativity we need to navigate the human predicament safely.

This old and yet ultra-modern narrative is a message in a bottle, cast into the deep ocean of living waters and secondarily onto the World Wide Web of things. I’m hopeful it can accompany us out of our self-constructed collective limbo. We have to tap deep inside to find the space to imagine and create the new. I’m hopeful that we will find a way out of our systematic, self-induced civilization's collapse and extinction. In any case, if we are to get out of this labyrinth, the way out may be the way in. It is in our darkest moments that we seek the light.

My "dearest granddaughter," I have left you many books in your library. I feel that this book contains an important fragment and an insight to wisdom that I wanted to share with you but couldn’t find the words, although you kept on asking me. We all want to feel a sense of belonging, alignment, or kinship with someone, a family, a group, a culture, or a civilization. We desire acceptance and connection to fill our hearts and motivate us. You have to realize who you are, and the events you will soon face, will reveal it to you.

I know that being a starseed child is not always easy, but that is your pathway and why you, and so many others like you, chose to be born in these disruptive times here on earth. Both learning and unlearning are keys, so always think and see for yourself. Remember that old saying that it is important to die before you die, so that you might live indefinitely? If you don’t die before you die, you’ll die when you die. As you read on, you will understand more of what I mean.

Contemplate it with an empty mind until the hidden meaning is revealed. Observe your conscious and unconscious tendencies as they emerge. At times, the writer writes in hesitant or vague language, but I feel this allows for more space for emotions and imagination to flow freely. At some point, names and forms also have to be dropped for the true nature of reality to be revealed.

Please keep up your righteous outlook and hopeful nature. Never stop shining your glow from within to find clarity, and never stop questioning the nature of reality, especially as reality becomes even more virtual and fuzzy. When reading the book, you will understand why this is so important.

Anyway, I think I should stop here, you know, I could go on forever, but I will let you discover the story for yourself, at your pace. The next sections of the book, the "prologue" and "the nine gates," will give you the backstory of the Questioner who speaks with the Devil.

As soon as you finish reading, I hope to hear your appreciation and what you have gleaned in essence. So while I know there is so much going on in your life and your generation is seeking its future. The future of our world and our humanity might depend on it. With love, Baba?


To read on,

check out the Kindle and Paperback (recommended) version available here:

?Anatoly Yakorev?

Mentor for Conscious Enterprises Network, Compliance Maze Runner?, EthicSeer?

1 年

Congratulations, Rajinder, plus good thinking to use the Rodin sculpture not to let the book be blown away by the wind, but let your readers be blown away. ??


