"Meeting Deadlines", is this your biggest worry? Cheer up ladies IWIL brings you some 'Tik Tok tricks to meet those overriding deadlines'

"Meeting Deadlines", is this your biggest worry? Cheer up ladies IWIL brings you some 'Tik Tok tricks to meet those overriding deadlines'

Tik Tok tricks to meet those overriding deadlines

Change your perception about time.

Deadlines are a harsh reality of professional life. We all have them and whether we like it or not, they are not going anywhere unless we meet them on time. Many of us are prompt in marking a deadline on our calendar. But, marking a deadline won’t suffice, the problem lies in our prospective, the way we view how much time we have to meet that deadline.

If there’s a task that needs to be done, say by the end of the month, we look at it as something that can take a back seat while we deal with more pressing matters of the current day. By the time we reach the end of the month, we realize that there’s too less time left to finish the task and end up missing the deadline. Here we don’t acknowledge if something has a deadline of a month that doesn’t mean it’s less important rather it might be that the work is highly important and might need good time to fetch desired results. Unfortunately, this is a normal human tendency, but research has shown that you can actually trick yourself into meeting your deadlines.

Chicago Booth PhD candidate Yanping Tu and Dilip Soman, Professor of Marketing at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management published a research paper in the Journal of Consumer Research which shows that the key to motivating yourself to start working on a task may be picking the right due date. The trick is to change the way we look and think about time.

The best way to get started is to keep your deadlines short. Never take the actual date of deadline as your deadline; your deadline must be set prior to the actual one, because it is always better to be before time then to be late. Set your deadlines within the same week or month, and hold yourself to them.

If something is really urgent, set today as your deadline. Your right approach to a deadline makes a big difference. When you keep things urgent, you must realize that you have a limited amount of time to complete that task so you should start working on it the very moment along with other to-dos for the day. This ensures structured and organized approach and shows that you are consistently working towards your deadline rather than putting it off for a future time. The idea is to not delay and follow the quote “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today."

The more time we think we have, the more likely we are to postpone it to the future. By bringing deadlines to the present, our minds are constantly reminded of their existence helping us to schedule our tasks in a more inclusive manner.

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