Meet The Yonderists: Angela & Alexandra and their story about recruiting

Meet The Yonderists: Angela & Alexandra and their story about recruiting

If you don’t know anything about recruiting, the only things that might come to your mind are some movie scenes with charming characters who have the ability to convince everyone that he/she is making the best choice. Or maybe the interviews that you had when you were looking for a new career opportunity. What is really like to be a recruiter, what abilities you should have in order to be successful and which are the greatest challenges in such a dynamic world? Angela and Alexandra, part of the HR Team in Iasi, tell us all about the life of a recruiter in the interview below.

Thank you, Angela & Alexandra, for sharing your experience with us!

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What is it to be a recruiter?

Angela: The recruiter role is the most dynamic, challenging and fulfilling role from all the activities I have dealt with so far. You need to constantly improve your skills; the days are not the same and what worked yesterday, today no longer applies.

Alexandra: Being a recruiter in an IT company is a challenge, it's not exactly like in the movies. Considering that the market is extremely competitive at the moment, as a recruiter you must always be prepared with a strategy to find the right candidate. And to answer the question, being a recruiter is interesting, you don't have time to get bored, no day is the same as the other ones, there are always challenges and unforeseen situations.

How did you get started in recruitment?

Angela: I started as an intern, in 2011, recruiting white and blue collar. Over time I have experienced different HR fields (eg HR admin, onboarding& offboarding, employee engagement, organizing events, payroll), different challenges and in the last 8 years I have focused on the recruitment of IT specialists.

Alexandra: It's a long story, but I want to make it shorter. The first time when I heard about recruitment was in faculty and there I found out the first secrets about it. After graduation, I wanted to start a career in this field and one of my teachers recommended me to an internship. And a year ago, my professional career began here at Yonder.

What is the biggest challenge of your role?

Angela: In these days when speed is the key to success, the biggest challenge is to find the right person, for the right role, while maintaining quality and giving the candidate a positive experience. Fortunately in Yonder, the communication and collaboration of those involved in the recruitment processes is very good, we want to constantly improve what we do and how we do it, we ask and offer feedback and build a long-term relationship with each candidate.

Alexandra: I consider that the biggest challenge of my role is to find the right method to convince the best candidates to join the team.

Being a recruiter is about the experience or the numbers?

Angela: Neither one. In my opinion, being a recruiter, it's about listening to the persons in front of you, getting to know them, finding out what motivates them and how you can synchronize the candidate's long-term needs and aspirations with business needs.

Alexandra: Looking back, I think that being a recruiter is about the experience, because you learn something after each experience you have, and this can help you make the best choices for both the company and the candidates.

Do you have to be a LinkedIn guru??

Angela: LinkedIn still is a big plus but, if you want results, it is important not to rely on a single platform, to broaden your search, to participate in networking events and of course to work on your personal brand.

Alexandra: Not necessarily a guru, but yes you need to know a few things about how this platform works. If you want to find the best people for your company, you have to know how to look for them. And to increase your chances of success, you must familiarize yourself with this recruitment channel.

What do you think are the key traits a person needs to hold in order to make it as a recruiter?

Angela: The key traits that help a lot in the recruitment area are ethics, good organization, and the adaptability to work in a very agile environment.

Alexandra: There are a lot of traits I can think of, but in recruitment I think you need adaptation, creativity, organization and perseverance. And the most important thing is to like working with people, to communicate, because it is important to easily create relationships with others.

What is the best part of your day?

Angela: There are many beautiful parts, from the enthusiasm before an interview, to the excitement felt by candidates who accept our job offers and can't wait to become yonderists, to those positive feedbacks received from candidates after HR or technical discussions.

Alexandra: As I said, the days are different, and each one has its own essence. But I like when I meet new people, who have a positive vibe and they charge you with good energy.



