Meet Vice President of LI-COR Environmental, Kristin Feese
Kristin Feese using LI-COR's LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer

Meet Vice President of LI-COR Environmental, Kristin Feese

It’s American Business Women’s Day, and we’d like to introduce you to Vice President and General Manager of LI-COR Environmental, Kristin Feese . Kristin began her career at LI-COR in 2007 as a technical sales representative and developed her leadership skills in marketing and management roles until early 2022, when she was promoted to her current position.

She didn’t follow a traditional trajectory into business leadership, nor has she worked towards a specific job title or to climb the ladder. Rather, in all of her roles, she asks questions about what’s best for LI-COR, its employees, its customers, and where she fits into that. She’s primarily motivated to grow LI-COR so that its employees can have work/life balance, and its customers can be accomplished in their careers, advance science, and better our world.

Along the way, she’s developed traditional business skills through study and mentorship, and she credits LI-COR for giving her the opportunity to learn and develop her talents for leadership, decision-making, and team building. She wants to connect people in a way that allows them to bring their talents to the table and work together effectively.




