Meet us at 39th Annual ESRA Congress

Meet us at 39th Annual ESRA Congress

Only 2 days left until the 39th ESRA Annual Congress! Will you be there?

The annual ESRA Congress is a popular educational event due to the high scientific standard and the many highly qualified speakers.

We are happy to be there again as an exhibitor and to welcome you at our booth #12!?

What to expect?

We have all the latest information on the topic of "more patient safety with NRFit", and you can also expect fasci(a)nating insights and our products on the topic of fascial plane blocks.

As our guest we would like to welcome Dr. Carl Hillermann (MBChB, DA(SA), FRCA, Consultant Anaesthesiologist at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust).

He will be presenting live sessions on "Rib Fractures - Clinical Solutions with Truncal Blocks" on Wednesday & Thursday between 10-10:30am and 03-03:30pm both days. Of course he will also be available during the congress to answer your questions.

As our second guest we would like to welcome Dr. Astrid Behr (MD Anesthesia / ICU Medical Director).

She will be presenting a live session on "An Insight on Ankle Blocks" on Thursday between 12:30-13:30pm.

And while you're at our booth, be sure to get your PAJUNK collector's mug! How does it work?

We have prepared a #ReliablePartner photo wall for you and are looking forward to many back-to-back photos from you. Upload them to your social media channels and tag us. You'll get one of the popular PAJUNK collector's mugs right away.

See you soon,

Your PAJUNK-Team



