Meet the Team Tuesday: A Series Review
Meet the Team Tuesday

Meet the Team Tuesday: A Series Review

As 2022 winds down to an end, our highly successful Meet the Team Series is officially coming to one as well. Though we couldn’t quite get an interview with everyone on the team (some of us have schedules that are a bit more hectic than the rest), the roster that we have in the series has certainly made us proud.

I hatched the idea for this series several months ago with the dream that it would be a humanizing series to share a little insight into who we are as a company and as individuals. I believe this series succeeded in what it was set out to do. Followers of the series have gotten a sneak peek into our company, our lives, and hopefully, a glimpse into how our unique personalities complement each other to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.?

Though I must admit to an unexpected benefit of doing this series - I’ve personally gotten a lot out of it as well. My coworkers have made me laugh, surprised me, found things in common, and together, we discovered things that I truly wouldn’t have known about without conducting these interviews. I’ve gotten the chance to meet and have conversations with teammates who, under normal circumstances, I would seldom talk with. This aspect alone has made the series more than worth it. It was even fun taking everyone’s interview picture. You might be surprised at the level of expression people can give just from a picture.?

I can say with complete honesty that this series has helped me develop and grow relationships in ways that wouldn’t have been likely without it. I’ve grown to look forward to each bi-weekly interview - to see who I’ll be getting to know better this time. It’s truly inspiring. Starting next year, I will certainly be conducting a successor interview series, though with a different overall theme.?

Any marketers out there who are looking for a new series to show off the amazing people on your team to the world, I highly recommend doing a series like this. It’s a great way to show who you are as a company and who you are as individuals. Most importantly, you’ll probably make some smiles, memories, and relationships along the way. You can even steal the name: Meet the Team Tuesday. People love alliterations.


