?? Meet The Team: Theo Hayles ??
The main stage for music in Web3. Connecting artists and fans to mint the sound of a decentralised future.
We’re excited to carry on with our “Meet The Team” series here at TokenTraxx by introducing Theo Hayles , our committed Business Development Manager!
1. What are your main responsibilities in TokenTraxx’s current projects?
As a Business Development Manager at TokenTraxx, my role is to drive growth and innovation within the Web3 music space. I focus on identifying strategic partnerships with artists, creators, and platforms to integrate our protocol, which revolutionises music monetisation through decentralisation and NFTs. I'm responsible for exploring new opportunities, negotiating deals, and expanding our market reach. By staying on top of Web3 trends and engaging with the music and blockchain communities, I play a key role in shaping the future of digital music distribution and ensuring TokenTraxx remains at the forefront of this movement.
2. How did you get started with web3 and music?
Growing up, I studied piano and saxophone, attended the National Youth Jazz Orchestra, and participated in the Royal Academy of Music’s Junior Jazz course. My passion for music took me to Boston at 18, where I studied at Berklee College of Music. I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself in many areas of the music industry, from producing and recording for MeekMill to gigging with 99 Neighbours and managing artist Roni Kaspi. It was during my bachelor's that I was first introduced to blockchain by Professor George Howard. I became fascinated by the possibilities this technology offered to address many of the issues preventing my musician friends from being fairly rewarded for their talent. I later took a course in blockchain applications at Berkeley, California, which reaffirmed my belief and excitement in the technology. From there, my mission became clear: to harness blockchain and other emerging technologies to reshape the industry in favour of true creativity.
3. What excites you most about the convergence of blockchain technology and the music industry?
Blockchain offers the music industry a way to break free from rigid, outdated structures. It enables artists to take control of their art, create unique, decentralised revenue models, and connect directly with their audiences in a dynamic and fluid way.
4. Can you share a challenging aspect of working with web3 technologies in music and the wider creative industries and how you address it?
The greatest challenge is incumbency. The current model benefits those who control the flow of rights and revenue, making it a significant challenge to change. In my opinion, the best way to address this is by offering an alternative that is so undeniably valuable it compels the current system to adapt. Another challenge is onboarding both artists and fans, as many platforms impose a steep learning curve, which can be daunting. This is an inherent challenge when innovating in a new space, and we are only really at the early adoption phase on the Rogers Diffusion of Innovation theory. At TokenTraxx, we are tackling this by integrating features like paper wallets to simplify the onboarding process and remove barriers for new users.
5. What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the web3 space?
Embrace the unknown and capitalise on the opportunity to be a pioneer in a space that we will all soon inhabit in some form or another.
6. If you could change one thing about the web3 tech landscape today, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing about the Web3 tech landscape today, it would be improving user experience and accessibility. While the technology holds immense potential, its complexity and steep learning curve are major barriers to mainstream adoption and broader participation. Simplifying interfaces and making blockchain applications more intuitive would open doors for more users, artists, and businesses to fully engage with its benefits.
Keep an eye out for our next “Meet The Team” feature, where we’ll dive into the unique insights our team has to offer on the evolving web3 and music industries!