Meet the team: Mikael, Front-End Programmer

Meet the team: Mikael, Front-End Programmer

Each month, we talk with one of our team members about their work and life at the office. This month features Mikael, our Front-End Programmer, with whom we had a long discussion on his career at Fleetback and the way he multitasks every day. Enjoy reading!


Hey Mikael, thanks for taking time for this interview! Can we start by asking you what is your job and when did you join Fleetback?

Hey! I've been a Front-End Developer at Fleetback since March 2020.

Why did you choose Front-End instead of Back-End?

I used to work on Back-End development for four years in a previous company. When most Back-End projects were developed, I started to work on some Front-End in my free time and I realized I could help our customers with the part they were interacting with. After a few months, it became my main job.

We heard that you're teaching Front-End, what motivated you to do so?

I started during one of my past projects which led me to Front-End development: I was teaching our clients because some of our servers were open, meaning they could write their own code in it. I enjoyed it a lot so the next logical step was to teach to actual students.?

Luckily, I was contacted by the school I studied in around that time. I've now been teaching there for 5 years. I'm working with 3 classes of 30 students, and I also follow them on 1 or 2 big projects per year.

How do you manage your days being a full-time Front-End Developer and a teacher?

Well, I never sleep! Just kidding, but I'm actually a short sleeper and it helps! I arrive early at the office and my days often last until 9 pm.?

When I have classes, I come to work earlier so I'm able to leave earlier. Sometimes I can telework because it spares me the road time, and if the classes really don't fit my work hours, I can take a vacation day.

What tools help you through these busy days?

My notebook is essential to me, it helps me think. I can easily write schemas, and I think that it's not the same level of focus to write on a computer as on a piece of paper.

Are there any stressful moments in your days?

Not here! I've already worked in stressful environments, and I can tell you it's not the case at all here! The only thing that can be stressful is last-minute changes, but they're easily manageable.?

On other hand, what are your favorite things about your work?

I think that sharing is closely linked to our job, computer science is all about sharing!

We share our work, our research, and even things that are not development-related, it makes us grow together and gives everyone an initiative spirit.

We heard you like to do IT research in your free time. Can you tell us more?

Sure! It’s not like scientific research, but some of us like to look for the newest ways of working. It used to be with books, but now the easiest way is to do it with online articles. I do it every day, it became a reflex and even something I enjoy!

Last but not least, would you have any tips for junior developers?

Don't give up on the first obstacle! You have to set yourself a goal and do everything to reach it, even if it seems unattainable and if you have to fail a lot before reaching it.

While learning, you'll go through 3 phases:

-??????It doesn’t work and you don’t know why

-??????It works, but you don’t know why

-??????You finally understand

You did not learn as long as you did not understand.

These are wise words, thanks, Mikael!


