Meet The Team - George
Oxford Brookes Enterprise Support
We're here to support your bright ideas ?? Part of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Hello! My name is George and I’m a Marketing and Communications assistant at BES. Having worked on the promotion of Thrive, Rise and Bloom I’m now working with the marketing team to generate ideas for our social media whilst also being involved in the development of the upcoming Lost & Founded Podcast.
I’m currently in my final year as an English Literature and Creative Writing student at Oxford Brookes and last summer the pandemic was making it seem impossible that I would be able to find a job before I graduated. I’m so grateful that I found out about Brookes Enterprise Support when I did and joined a team full of amazing people who all hold the same values of supporting everyone on their personal journeys.
Ideally I would be going into the office everyday but over the past few months my deskless bedroom has had to make do. However, the consistency at which other members of the team reach out to each other (and around a million cups of tea) has helped this time feel as normal and productive as it could possibly be.
My top tip for working from home is that when laying out your tasks for the day - be as detailed as you can be. Give yourself the appropriate time to do something that will put just the right amount of pressure on so that you stay concentrated but not so much you feel overwhelmed. This helps me so much with ticking my tasks off by the end of the day and allows myself more time to give myself a proper break away from work - something everyone needs to do after they’ve finished for the day!