Meet The Team - Elizabeth Cameron
Oxford Brookes Enterprise Support
We're here to support your bright ideas ?? Part of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
I’m Elizabeth, I come from a background of working in the economic and market development areas primarily in the creative sector. Here I specialised in securing and implementing all manner of arts and business collaborative initiatives - from designing new street furniture to keep places tidy and exploring placemaking, to installing art works on ships and building site hoardings.
In my role as the Enterprise Partnership Manager at Oxford Brookes University I seek out, develop and maintain a range of collaborative partnerships and opportunities which help to enrich the experience of studying and working in the University and support the delivery of the wider enterprise agenda. If you have a project which Brookes students or staff could help you deliver, or you want to benefit from some fresh ideas and thinking or simply want to partner with us on something we are doing please get in touch with me and we can explore what we can make happen.
Moving to an online experience for work over the past year has been an adjustment, but I have been pleasantly surprised how easily and quickly we have all been able to transfer to this way of being. I have noticed however, how after a day of video meetings I need to get out and look into the distance for a while which isn’t easy during the dark winter! Thankfully Spring is here and then comes the Summer with its long mellow evenings so even if I’m still agile working, I can benefit from not having a commute and make the most of the extra time to myself I will have.