Meet the Orbital Team!

Meet the Orbital Team!

I believe it was 18 months ago or so i last did a meet the team with our technical guys and gals. Quite a lot of change and new team members since then so it's time to do it all over again....this time with team members from all our departments. So hold onto your hats, here we go, lets learn a little about our fab team supporting you and your business with all your connectivity needs. 

We asked them all the same 4 questions, some responses were more creative than others!

First up is Gavin....New Business Developer

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Q: What is the one thing you enjoy most about your job?

A: Meeting New People (this one comes up a lot, very original i know!)

Q: Do you have any nicknames?

A: Big Nose (there was no explanation provided for this nickname for some reason, we in the office refer to him more affectionately as Gavla)

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you have and why?

A: Mobile Phone so i can call for help, Matches so i can light a fire, Fishing rod so i can fish for food. (this is so practical i can't even think of anything sassy to say)

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Q: If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role?

A: Leanardo DiCaprio (insert raised eyebrow emoji here!)

Thank you for reading, hopefully you learnt a lot about Gavin, next week it is the turn of the support team.....


