Meet the talented and daring women of the Global Talent community
In honour of International Women's Day, we want to support women in Tech and celebrate their achievements and contributions.
This year, we've decided to interview women who form our Global Talent community. Their experience and philosophy are to motivate and encourage other women shaping the present and the future of Tech.
Masha Konopelko , Exceptional Talent
Co-founder of a mentorship platform, Project Program Coordinator at a software tool company. Her first project was a programming school for children
There are obstacles in any career. Moreover, entrepreneurship basically consists of them. You just get used to the fact that life is a sequence of successes and failures. The key lies in shifting your focus and enjoying the overall process
Dina, Exceptional Talent
Venture Partner, GuruDev Capital / Managing Partner, INIT VC?
Mentor at Alchemist Accelerator and SCV.
Being a maximalist, like all the young people striving to change the world, I completely immersed myself in my area of expertise and didn't pay much attention to what was happening in other fields. I dreamed of staying in research within Data Science and AI, but, as fate would have it, I'm now in VC
I find it important to reflect on my career and ask myself if I am where I wanted to be, what I seek now and how this new “Me” can be of service to the world around me
Victoria, Exceptional Talent
Product Manager, Lead of Business and System Analysts. Studies Executive Leadership Programme at the University of Oxford (Sa?d Business School)
Here’s some advice for those early in their career in Tech:
Don't think it's all easy and straightforward
Thoroughly choose your mentors and training courses
Build a strong professional network
Learn English
Maya, Exceptional Promise
Head of Loyalty Programs, Business Developer. Got a triple promotion at an international marketplace in the midst of the 2020 crisis: from an Investment Analyst to the Head of Asian market
I've always wanted to have a significant impact on people's daily life, to make it better, more convenient, to enhance its quality – and I feel that I can do it all while working in IT. When I make even a small contribution that improves someone's life, I feel euphoric
Daria, Exceptional Talent
Product Manager. Co-founded a customer research agency, passionate about launching and developing customer-centric products
Once in a while we all need to cry for 5 minutes, to yell about how tired and fed up we are, to listen to our favourite music and move forward. The way towards success isn't a direct line – you may need to take two steps back to find yourself ahead
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