Meet Sylvia Le Hong @ Thoughtworks

Meet Sylvia Le Hong @ Thoughtworks

With all the fuss recently about IWD (rightly so) I wanted to share a short interview I did with one of our very inspiring Women Leaders, Sylvia Le Hong. Sylvia is our Office Principal for Thoughtworks Munich. Her and I have worked closely together for 1 year now, she is one of my key stakeholders when hiring Business Analysts for Thoughtworks Germany. To give you some background on Sylvia, she has been with Thoughtworks for almost 9 years, starting with us all the way down under in Melbourne, Australia, to where she lives now with her family in Munich Bavaria. Sylvia manages to juggle running our Munich office with looking after her 9 year old daughter Romy, managing her social project, playing improv theatre and singing in an a capella quartet. Since last year when we got hit with this global pandemic, Sylvia has been working from home whilst homeschooling her daughter. While she admits this has been challenging, she also feels very lucky as her husband shares the load and she also has support from Romy’s grandparents.

I sat down with Sylvia, to find out what her life at Thoughtworks is like and how it all began. 

How did you become a Thoughtworker?

Back in 2012, after 1 year of mat leave I was looking for a part time role as a UX designer, at the time I lived with my family in Melbourne. Thoughtworks offered a part time role and a visa for Australia. After 3 years, my family and I returned home to Munich after I had been given the opportunity to transfer. 

How has your role evolved since you joined?

It has changed quite a bit actually! I started as an Experience Design Consultant, then changed my role to a Business Analyst. I also worked as Program Manager for a large transformation project at one of our clients. For the last 3-4 years, I’ve been responsible for TW Munich in the role of an Office Principal, which means that I support the delivery of our local projects, demand activities, people topics, hiring, office management, etc. - a little bit of everything.

What does a typical day look like in your role?

Well I start off the day with my muesli, I usually keep coffee drinking to the weekend (discipline I could not handle). I usually start early, around 8am as Romy starts her schooling then too. I often kick start the day prepared as possible, with the most important tasks first. I can then look at the agenda and check off my ‘to-do’s’ as I go. Usually I have lots of meetings, catching up with colleagues internally, making sure we are aligned. As we are an agile organisation, we do many retros, facilitation, regular stand ups, connect with other Office Principals once a week. Finally, I try to do an interview at least every second week to support the recruiting team.

Did you always know you wanted to work in Tech or how did this seed get planted?

I didn't really know what I wanted to work until the very end of my Psychology studies. I happened to choose a focus topic in my final exams that really fascinated me, it was about human computer interaction & usability (how do machines / interfaces / computers need to be designed, so that people can use them easily). I remember googling “Usability Job” after I graduated and then found my first trainee position as a User Experience Designer. 

What do you think makes a successful team?

For me, a successful team is about trust, a good feedback culture and a common goal - and the relevant skills of course, so they can work autonomously.

 What 3 personalities traits do you look for when hiring for your team?

Mindset of continuous learning, interest in growing yourself and others as well as passion for something (e.g. related to technology). 

What is the secret to balancing a young family and a full time busy job?

Not sure if it’s a secret, but things that have helped me were: setting priorities, accepting that things won’t be perfect and that it’s ok if they’re out of balance at times, making sure you look after yourself, and learning to say no. I’m still working on that though. 

What advice would you give to someone starting off their career in technology?

Be curious and have an open mind to learn new things. This field will change so quickly which offers so many opportunities to grow.

If you are interested in a career at Thoughtworks, you can email us at



