Meet the Speakers:? Human Error: There is NO Root Cause with Dr. Richard?Pollock?
The 2018 Appalachian Safety Summit is proud to have past ASSE President Rick Pollock join us as our keynote speaker on May 1st. Rick is on the cutting edge of Human Factors with his unique understanding of human error in the context of safety. According to Rick, “Incidents do not occur in a linear flow of events. Causation is multi-dimensional, multifactorial and far more difficult to pinpoint than previously thought.” He says we need to “check ourselves” when we think we know the root cause of an injury and begin to see the “second story”.
Rick has done it all. He was the 98th president of the American Society of Safety Engineers (soon to be “Professionals”), he’s the Director of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) so you can hit him up for the CE’s you need, and he is president-elect for the International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organizations (INSHPO) who just published the impactful Singapore Accord on the Standards for OHS Professionals. Big stuff coming right here to Boone, NC.
While many folks out there are trying to make Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) and Behavioral Safety (BBS) mortal enemies, Rick is one of those folks who sees how HOP and BBS can collaborate. “We both understand that the context in which the behavioral error occurred is more important than the behavior itself. Poorly designed BBS initiatives stop at the individual as the cause when in fact we all need to find the system influences on behavior.” This is what behavior scientists have been teaching for years!
DON’T MISS the opportunity to spend an afternoon at Rick Pollock’s Post Conference Workshop on May 2nd where he will teach components of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS).
For more details regarding Rick Pollock’s presentation and our other exciting presentations, click here.
*Have you REGISTERED, yet? Click here to register and make sure to sign up to attend our Post-Conference Workshops! Space for them is LIMITED!
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