Meet The Ship at Nor-Shipping 2022 Pre-show article 2/3
The Ship AS
The Ship AS delivers digital solutions for SOF, demurrage and real time operations, helping your company work smarter.
OK, two weeks until trade-show #norshipping2022 and we are off course excited. We have some exciting new technology bits to show you. They are almost done, but we are sure to have them ready - that's just work that needs to be done.
We have been training ourselves in talking value. Where, who, what, why and how to start using our services.
Where, this is the easy question because it's used where ever you are and you have access to our services - even offline.
Who, this is still an easy question because as the license holder you can give access to parties concerned to the cargo. As a charterer you benefit from having the data to make a better deal - you can drastically improve your negotiations terms by having the facts at hand. As a shipowner you can benefit from performing better in port thus decreasing time in port, decrease mitigation time on claims, having all port activities at hand and create benchmarks to improve your service for your customer. As a agent or agency you can improve your data quality and create more customer centric services and analysis because you have data from all your port calls. As a port or terminal you will benefit from having a real time view of all activities and data, enabling you to analyse and make improvements serving even more vessels than before. Not everyone needs to be a part of the ships services to gain benefits, but as the owner of the data you'll be in control of the distribution.
What, this is still an easy question because we deliver a tool set consisting of three main parts. The data collector, the demurrage claims handler and the real time operations tool. They are device independent and all information is open for the customer. We also offer integration through our open API or data delivered to a special destination.
Why, sometimes this is not that easy to explain. We have owners that want financial success and customers that want professional services to a sweet price. But, this is not why we created The Ship. We took these tools into the public marketplace because the SOF collector and demurrage works perfectly together, and system wise they give an organisation an always up-to-date overview of all port activities and demurrage claims and it's also linking the business into the customers total supply chain.
How, in it's most simple form you could start using our services without any integration. This means manual registration of voyage details. But with an easy integration with your system all vessels, cargo, destinations, charterers, agents etc are synchronised with the ship services in a secure way and with great support and up-time.
Why don't you stop by us Hall B - B05-31. We are pretty great.
All the best, Ole@The Ship AS