Meet the Press Chuck Todd Naive. Really?
An interview that Rolling Stone did with #MeetthePress #ChuckTodd will be published on 12/29 but already is causing quite a #socialmediastorm out here. In it and among admissions he makes, he attributes his understanding of Trump’s #fakenews propaganda to his naivete. The head of NBC News political news department is naive. Oh.
Since this nightmare began, I’ve been out here labeling the press -not all but most mainstream-as #complicit. My conclusion drawn from interviews I watched that didn’t amount to anything other than pandering to whomever they were talking to starting with Chuck Todd’s interview with #KellyConway right after the election. I stopped watching mainstream news back then because it made me feel hopeless. If they weren’t defending #US who the hell was going to?
I made my views known on #Facebook and soon noticed many FB pals who work in news/media,mostly from NYC, stopped visiting my page. Folks don’t dig it when you criticize their own, especially if they depend on these outlets for bylines/work. It’s just human nature.
I was no longer tethered to any news source when this shit hit the fan. I’d like to think that even if I was, I would have spoken this truth about our sacred #newscorp that had been compromised due to social media’s influence and their lack of embracing the power of the internet back in the late 1990’s. “A phase” is what most of them believed. Were they naive or in denial? When they realized #clicks add up to $$ and they weren’t making enough, they scrambled to catch up. No clicks meant #advertisers were following these new online pubs like HuffPost etc that were getting an abundance.
This piece (url posted below) is so worth reading though it likely will make you come to the conclusion I came to years ago-it’s about money, folks. It’s about keeping your job even if you went to the most prestigious journalism school and studied all the greats in this profession we, the people, viewed as untouchable.
#ChuckTodd is trying to cover his tracks by calling himself naive but what he likely didn’t understand by using that word is that he’s trying to cover up what he didn’t do, his job by holding his guests’ feet to the fire.
This is not the first time I’ve said this out here but the guy who made #MeetthePress the revered program that it was back when we could depend on journalists demanding “just the facts” #TimRussert has been shaking his head from the heavens for some time now.
Great work Rolling Stone, a publication that I have consistently supported, likely because in the national news biz, it’s still an #outlier.
‘…..You cannot call that an oversight. It’s a strategic blindness that he superintended. By “strategic blindness” I mean what people mean when they quote #UptonSinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” …’