Meet the PR Exec on a mission to overcome corporate bias around the word "spirituality."

Meet the PR Exec on a mission to overcome corporate bias around the word "spirituality."

One thing I’ve noticed over the past few years is how the Pandemic has made some people brave and others what I’ll call “courage averse.” When I see someone really questioning the big things, I applaud. If we don’t have the guts to reexamine everything now, when will we? And creativity is fueled by brave questions.

So imagine my delight when I saw a familiar face doing a very unfamiliar thing in business circles. Here is my interview with Elizabeth Rosenberg, worth reading until the very last word.

KG: Elizabeth! The last time we intersected you were Global Head of Comms at 72andSunny and, before that, TBWA\Media Art Lab. So I was surprised and delighted to know about your new, very different, focus these days. Tell us about the question you had posted on your wall for two years and how it led you down a very new path.?

ER: Yes! I left my job on March 2, 2020 and launched officially The Good Advice Company six months later. I’ve been consulting, building and evolving my business ever since.?

The question my coach asked me was “Are you more scared of accepting or rejecting who you truly are?” Big question any time it’s asked, but as we were coming out of pandemic lockdown and major changes in how we connect as a society, I knew I would eventually have to lean into what gave me energy and joy vs. stripping me of it.?

I kept this question posted on the wall in my home and office for over two years and the answer always stayed the same – I was more scared of accepting my true self. But, aren’t we all? I had been living as the “rejected” version of myself for so long and people really liked her. I had built businesses and a brand for myself that thrived in corporate America. I was really worried that If I showed up as my authentic self publicly, there would be no going back. But then I also came to the realization that I couldn't encourage my clients to be true to themselves if I wasn’t doing the same.?

So, in January 2023 I came out of the spiritual closet and announced on LinkedIn that I was an intuitive medium and that I was harnessing this skill paired with my PR, marketing and business acumen to help leaders uncover the soul of their brand to find purpose, meaning and help build their own personal brands in a truly authentic way.?

I know this is something all coaches say they can do, but I’m not a “coach.” I’m a veteran comms executive who has been on the forefront of building brands my entire career. Now, I just have another tool in my toolkit – and it’s one that’s both unique and impactful.?

KG: Amen to all of that, especially the piece about needing to model full embodiment before you can help others do the same. I recently shared on LinkedIn that I am on the path towards being a Reiki Master. I was surprised by how much support I got from a community more versed in linear, traditional thinking. What has it been like for you to “come out of the spiritual closet”??

ER: I think people are ready and willing to search for answers anywhere. And what an exciting opportunity we both have to introduce people in our corporate network to new (but, actually ancient!) ways of thinking and living.?

As a PR professional, I had two plans in place… the post was either going to get a great response or people were going to think it was just too out there. If it went well, I knew my business would thrive. If it didn’t, I was going to put all of my stuff in storage and travel and write.

The most common feedback I received was “I’m not that surprised” and “this makes total sense.” Business boomed this year and it’s been more fulfilling and fun than anything else I’ve ever done in my career to date.?

The intuitive readings are the thing that everyone continues to clamor for. Maybe it’s because my career, the way I show up in the world, and peer testimonials all speak for themselves. But, I do prefer to work with clients on the full process - a reading (intuitive data), behavioral analytics (more data!), story mining, and a strategic plan and a new bio to pull it all together. It’s actionable and that’s something I think we all need more of: actual deliverables. That’s where we see change.?

KG: Yep. You can’t argue with a roadmap that works to point you in a more satisfying, soulful direction. Can you share a bit about how you are bringing some of these concepts to workplaces also? Let’s start with your new workshops. The words “Spirituality at Work” likely stop some people in their tracks. Yet you’ve found that the Pandemic has made people both aware of and intolerant of burnout. How does your definition of spirituality counteract burnout inside creative companies??

ER: I published my burnout story in Business Insider in May of 2021. I ended up in the emergency room with a migraine where I lost all of my motor skills. It was terrifying. My story isn’t all that different from anyone else’s, except I loved my job at the time. My body just couldn’t keep up with my mind and my drive. The story went viral. That week I got more than 100 emails from people all over the world. The one common theme of these messages was that people had something they could relate to and felt like it was okay to no longer feel shame around their own burnout. And today we don’t just have physical burnout to watch out for. Many are suffering from emotional burnout as well. The world is a heavy place and most of us are not equipped with the tools to deal with all life is throwing at us at the same time. We need to take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in whatever way works best for us individually.?

I went on a mission to find anything that could potentially help me never have a migraine like that again. Eastern, western, spiritual? You name it, I tried it. Today, I have found a mix of things that alleviate symptoms of burnout – exercise, my spiritual practice, modern medicine, sleep, etc. For me, it's more about the journey than the destination. This doesn’t mean I haven’t digressed. Pivoting your career and running a business is not for the faint of heart. We are all a work in progress. Always. And I’m no exception.?

Creativity has not only been a remedy for me, but also a beautiful result of this journey I’m on. I have found I am so much more creative, open and curious. That’s manifested in a lot of creative writing that I can’t wait to share.?

That’s what my new workshop on Spiritual Health encompasses: everything from combating burnout to entry points to finding your purpose to harnessing that purpose into creative endeavors.?

I’m on a mission to call out and overcome the bias around the word “spirituality” in the corporate world. The way I approach and talk about it is not about religion or even a higher power. It’s not what some would consider “New Age.” It’s also not “woo woo.” To me, it’s about connecting with yourself to unlock purpose, meaning and impact. If we can tap into those things that drive us, we will not only be more successful and resilient at work, but more creative, more connected with each other, and more fulfilled. McKinsey even recently published a study on this.?

The need for this just keeps popping up everywhere. I recently went to an event where two multi-millionaire female founders were on stage talking about how they started and grew their business. But, both of them said something that stopped me in my tracks… neither knew what their purpose or legacy would be beyond their work. I think we all need to think about that. How can I be known for WHO I am vs only WHAT I do??

Matt Perry had been thinking about this when he wrote this in his memoir… “When I die, I know people will talk about Friends, Friends, Friends. … but when I die, as far as my accomplishments go, it would be nice if Friends were listed far behind the things I did to try to help other people. It won’t happen, but it would be nice.” This went viral for a reason.?

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. What a rich brief for us all to think about right now. And if not now, when??

KG: I see that, too. People understanding that “spirituality” is honoring that we each have a spirit — our true essence — that yearns to be known, separate from our awards or wealth or accomplishments. One of the ways you’re helping people feel clarity around their spiritual selves is through Personal Branding. Yet you use a very unique process called Akashic Records readings. What is this and how did you discover you had a gift for it??

ER: Since I launched this practice a few years ago, I joke (kinda…) that influencers have ruined the term "personal branding," brands have ruined the word "purpose," and we have all ruined the word "authentic." It’s been a journey to take myself through the process so many clients have allowed me to take them through. It’s fun and quite eye-opening to be on the other side.

I’m taking a more holistic approach to what I do. At its core, it’s still helping clients uncover their authentic self and actualize that self in the world. But, I do this now less through the lens of personal branding, but more through the connection of your origin story unveiling the soul of your brand where we find meaning, purpose and impact. This feels more true to the work I do and the outcomes my clients are seeing as a result. SOUL + STORY.?

An Akashic Reading is always step one in this process. It not only helps build trust between me and my clients, but it helps unlock major a-ha moments about your authentic self and uncovers both a soul purpose and life purpose that clients can think about and implement immediately.?

The Akashic Records are basically an energetic library of your soul’s journey– past, present, future.I know that all sounds very out there. As someone who had her first intuitive reading at 10-years-old for a school project and then had fun getting Tarot or other intuitive readings throughout my 20s and 30s, I had no idea what the Akashic Records were until I was introduced to them in 2019. A reading with me in the Akashic Records feels no different than any other intuitive reading experience, but I do believe it gets much deeper.?

My story of how I uncovered this ability is quite long (one of the things I’m writing about right now), but the gist is that I have always been very intuitive. It was on my wellness journey to rid myself of migraines that I came across an Akashic Record Reading class and signed up. It came very naturally to me – surprising me from the get go. From there I started practicing. When the world shut down in 2020 and everyone was home and bored I started doing readings via Zoom. That year I did nearly 100 readings for people in my network - leaders at the world’s biggest brands, creative agencies and media shops. Today, all of my readings are remote. I like the idea of people in their safe space during readings and I love that you have an audio recording you can go back and listen to when the time is right.?

I also don't believe what I am able to do is a gift. I like to call it an ability and something everyone can access should they be open to it. I’m not gonna lie… if it was a gift, I’m not sure I would have chosen it! It’s not always fun. The physical, mental and emotional toll this work can take on you is a lot. But, the people I’m able to help through readings make it all worthwhile. I’m sure you feel the same way about Reiki. It’s hard work, but so fulfilling!?

KG: Yes, both Reiki and coaching are energy work and I find I can’t show up for either when I’m tired or distracted.

When it comes to your Akashic Record Readings, how do they bring purpose to people or help them uncover the soul of their personal brand??

ER: I truly believe that the reading is just the starting point to uncover the soul of your brand. Your story is such an important part of the process, too. When you pair the reading with behavioral analytics and story mining - that’s where the magic happens.?

There are a few things that happen in this work:

  1. Leaders are often very specific about what they want to talk about. That stems from what has always worked in the past. It’s usually something along the lines of creativity, equity and leadership. And I tell them, “No one cares what you have to say about those things.” Media, social media platforms, and the acceptance of vulnerable authenticity has changed. It’s time to change with it and there’s a freedom in the brand we create together because it represents a true version of you.?
  2. The things we find most interesting about ourselves are usually things that other people have said are interesting. When you really dive into your origin story - the WHY behind the WHO - we uncover truths to share with the world that are human, relatable and inspiring. That’s the good stuff!?
  3. It’s not only okay, but good to evolve your brand. I’m constantly reminding my clients that our work together is only part of their personal and professional journey. Experiences, the world around us, etc. will continue to shape your brand and your story. Be open to evolving your brand as you go. But, evolution needs to be for you, not a response to whether people like your story/brand or not. If they don’t, those aren’t your people.?

KG: Exactly. So to ground this for our readers, I’m going to share a little about my experience of having a reading from you. It was unlike anything I’ve done before. What struck me most was how specific the takeaways were and how unique the language you used about me, which I know was more like a download for you than words you were choosing.

I feel protective of the life purpose statements you shared with me because they feel sacred and personal. So I’m not going to share them here. But suffice it to say I have thought of them every day and they ring true for me. Aspects of my personality that aren’t public were present in your reading, especially my vulnerability and sense of over-giving at times. It was such a validation to have that mirrored and put into a context where I see how I can find more balance in my life. So thank you for that beautiful gift.

KG: How can people find you to learn more about everything you’re up to at the Good Advice Company?

ER: The best place to find me is LinkedIn. I post there often and love an occasional hot take. I talk a lot about purpose, personal branding, spiritual health, comms (I have lots of thoughts on comms around layoffs at the moment) and I’ve always got some Good Advice to share.?

You can also find me at

KG: Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for modeling what it looks like to get over your fear of accepting your true self and giving others permission to do the same. I can think of nothing more critical in this moment.

Until next time, remember that culture is the new creativity.

NOTE: I write about the future of creativity every week over at Substack. You can subscribe free to my newsletter "Creative Entrepreneur in Residence" here.

I loved this article and thank you for sharing Kat McCaw Gordon and Elizabeth Rosenburg! I think being very creative women, we seem to hone into our senses at very heightened and intuitive levels. And it’s ok to say we are tapping into something larger than ourselves, the Universe, as Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence. To honor all of ourselves and our gifts into who we are and not having to compartmentalize it.?I’m glad this article is opening conversation around this stigma.


Social Media Manager at Fiverr

1 年

"Love this fresh take on integrating spirituality in the workplace and the positive impact it can have on leadership and life purpose! Keep breaking barriers, Elizabeth!"

Luz Donahue

Marketing Consultant, Analytics meets Meaning, Fractional CMO/Director of Marketing, Growth Marketing Strategist

1 年

I have no words for how deeply excited I am to dive into this

Nancy Prentice

I find the words.

1 年

There is something (actually, there are many things), so hopeful and freeing that you share in this important conversation. Questioning how these self-connections and new age diagnostics are not requisite with so much of ourselves poured into our bespoke scented candles (made from minding our own beeswax ??) that we ignite and burn with our stories.

Elizabeth Rosenberg

Global Marketing and Communications Advisor ? Helping Executives Find Their Purpose and Story ? Executive Branding Consultant ? Intuitive Medium ? Speaker

1 年

Thank you for sharing this Kat McCaw Gordon and for being so open to dive into my process with me. As you know, I believe the corporate world is craving for this and more. Whatever spirituality looks like for you, it’s just the beginning. If anyone has any questions, please drop them below - would love to answer anything and everything I can publicly!


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