Meet the Peaps: Jun Futsuzawa, Manager, Community Partnerships at Peatix

Meet the Peaps: Jun Futsuzawa, Manager, Community Partnerships at Peatix


Meet the Peaps is a commemorative series of interviews celebrating 11 years of Peatix, featuring team members from across the world and their stories of working at Peatix. Read more about our next feature with Jun Futsuzawa, Manager of the Community Partnerships team, where he shares more about his journey with Peatix and what he finds to be the most rewarding aspect of his role.

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“As a community solution, Peatix sees many great communities and organizers on the platform. There are numerous initiatives that bring about a positive social impact and we believe in supporting these efforts to collectively achieve a greater good.”

Q. What kind of work do you do?

JF: I currently manage the "Community Partnership," team that was only recently established this year. The team’s made up of Community Managers from Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia, who are mainly responsible for supporting organizers and their communities through the use of Peatix.?

As a community solution, Peatix sees many great communities and organizers on the platform. There are numerous events and initiatives, paid or free, that could bring about a positive social impact and we believe in supporting these efforts to collectively achieve a greater good. The partnership efforts sometimes help support our PR initiatives, but more importantly, many also form as unique use cases that may inspire other organizers with similar goals to do good. The team consists of members from Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia, all of whom have different cultures and are in different phases of their businesses. We are a freshly formed team, so we have started by creating a common mission.

Because our work mainly evolves around ensuring organizers have the best support they need with Peatix, I also work directly on proposals, providing operational support, and looking out for partnership opportunities. Since early this year, I’m also responsible for the growth of Peatix Live - our proprietary live streaming service.

Q: What led you to Peatix?

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JF: I was first introduced to Peatix as a user when our current CSO, Naofumi Iwai was a consultant for my previous company. I eventually got to doing freelance work for Peatix in 2012 and as Peatix grew, the number of clients I handled increased, and when 80% of the work I was doing was for Peatix, I officially joined the company.

Years after, I decided to explore other options and left Peatix to pursue an opportunity as a B2B Community Manager and PR Manager. However, as Covid unfolded, it led me to reevaluate some of my priorities and after some twists and turns, I was back at Peatix again.

Q. What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?

JF: I find it stimulating and interesting to be exposed to the insight, knowledge, and enthusiasm of the many passionate and unique organizers and events that use Peatix, regardless of whether they stem from business, entertainment, or the many other categories.?

When I first started out with Peatix, I honestly found it interesting to be able to go meet people in the areas I was interested in, in the name of work (laughs).

At the time, web-based event management solutions were something relatively unheard of and I remember having to explain what a QR code was. (laughs). Till today, my role leads me to many fascinating conversations with people from all walks of life, and that continues to keep me inspired.?

Q. Tell us a little more about Peatix Live

JF: We might have been a little late to the live streaming game in the height of the pandemic but, the fact that we are a one-stop solution, offering everything from event registration to online live streaming on Peatix is a big draw. Coupled with the fact that we can deliver secured content only to those who have purchased tickets on Peatix, which deters unauthorized viewing, this allows organizers to create a steady stream of revenue with added security.?

The product is still in its infancy stage and unlike the regular Peatix service, it’s only available upon request. We are still in the phase of trying to raise awareness among existing Peatix users, but we will be sending out information so that more people will be able to use the service in the future.

Q.What do you keep in mind when building a team?

JF: I am mindful of not making the decision-making process a top-down approach. Of course, we have goals that we expect the team to achieve, but we try to come up with specific action plans after reaching a consensus within the team. Because we are a newly established team, we are especially careful in this regard.

Q. What are your goals for the future?

JF: Each member of the Community Partnership Team is in charge of a specific community, so the team as a whole might not often work together. That's why I'd like to create projects that the whole team can work together on and have opportunities for team members to accomplish those projects.

Q.Why do you continue to work at Peatix?

JF: Simply, the great people we have here. We have conflicts and arguments in our work, of course, but I think that each of us cares about Peatix, and many of us are firm believers in the business mission.

Q.What kind of people would you like to work with at Peatix?

JF: Basically, I would say people with a positive mindset.

We deal with many issues so it’s always a plus when someone remains positive in times of challenge and is open to possibilities on how to overcome those difficulties. I believe that positivity can be infectious and it’ll be a motivational force for myself and other members of the team too.?

Q: How do you spend your time out of work?

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JF: I often go to the beach and surf. It’s something I’ve been doing even prior to the pandemic so when the lockdown was enforced, it’s one of the few things I can continue doing without worry. On the same note, I’ve also been spending more time outdoors as a result.

Q: Finally, any words for those considering a career with Peatix?

I think Peatix provides more empowerment than a regular, typical organization because many of the situations we handle are unique and individuals are often expected to practice discretion in coming up with various ideas on their own and putting them into action. If this sounds exciting to you, let's be part of something bigger together.?


Peatix is a global event discovery and ticketing platform designed to empower creators and organizers to build communities through shared experiences. Through our services, Peatix allows anyone to easily manage events, and communities, sell tickets or grow their customer base in a space where people can also discover their passions and connect with others through all things similar or different.

Since 2011, the innovative solutions of our platform have powered over 900,000 events and served more than 80,000 interest groups across 27 countries. Peatix is currently home to over 8.4 million users globally, with more than 10,000 discoverable events available at all times. The service is widely supported by event and community organizers, including individuals, corporations, and government agencies, and is used in a variety of lifestyle, entertainment, and business settings.

Today, Peatix operates globally through its physical presence in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur but also sees members based remotely across the globe, because we believe that meaningful work should not be limited by geographical barriers.

If, like us, you believe in prioritizing the common good and take pride in being a positive force through the work that you do, we’d like to hear from you via any of our open positions at:


2度目の入社でサービス立ち上げ、新チームのマネージャーに!出戻りメンバーが語る、Peatixで働く理由。【Peaps Interview #16】

こんにちは!Peatix Japan株式会社?インターン生のけいとです。


今週は、Community Partnershipsチームのマネージャー?普津澤 純さん。Peatix Liveの魅力や、今年発足した新チームについてお聞きしたので、ぜひ最後までお楽しみください!

Peatix Community Partnerships Team マネージャー 普津澤 純(Jun Futsuzawa)

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ダンススクール運営事業への従事やフリーランスでの活動を経て、2011年にPeatix Japan株式会社入社。一度別会社への転職を経て、2021年10月にPeatix Japan株式会社に再度入社。



僕自身は1年間ほど別の会社に移っていた時期を経てPeatixに復職したのですが、復職当初は新しいオンラインライブ配信サービス「Peatix Live」の立ち上げに従事しており、その後現在のチームの発足とともにチームマネージャーになりました。。現在は、イベント主催者へのサービス提案からコミュニティに対しての継続的な運用サポート、パートナーシップなどの取り組みまで主催者とのフロント業務を多岐にわたり担っています。




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元々はPeatixのユーザーでした。僕が昔勤めていた会社を岩井さん(Peatix現CSO?岩井 直文)がコンサルタントとしてサポートしてくれていたご縁もあって、Orinoco(現在のPeatix Inc.に社名変更する前の社名)が扱っていたサービスを利用していました。フリーランスとしてPeatixを手伝う形になったのが2011年1月ですね。それからPeatixの成長とともに自分の担当しているクライアントも増え、抱えている仕事の8割がPeatixになったのを機に、正式にジョインすることになりました。






ーーPeatix Liveの魅力は?



(Peatix Liveについて詳しく知りたい方は、こちらをご参照ください!)











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Peatix Japan株式会社では一緒に働く仲間を募集しています



