Meet our future selves
Today at our 5th A-list session for our A-mazing leaders, entitled Aspiration, our Wisdom Queen, Tatiana, led us on a powerful visualization journey. We were transported to meet our future selves who told us what is the most important thing to pay attention to, in the next 20 years. Seeing and feeling the energy, the space and the place of where and who we subconsciously aspire to be in 20 years’ time. And learn to be NOW, who we aspire to be in 20 years' time.
It was truly A-mazing to really "SEE" us as us.
Most of our future selves, turned up to be our present selves, maybe just hidden away. It was fascinating and empowering to see that some of our A-mazing leaders are already living happily in their futures, whilst others are looking forward to the next 20 years’ journeys and what they will become.
I wanted to capture the energy and the emotional journey that some so powerfully experienced. And some journeys were a lot more emotional than others. Travelling 20 years in 20 minutes. Discovering the nick names of our future selves given to us by the communities we will be living in.
And writing our own stories: Johnny being happy and content already, the Fighter celebrating all the massive achievements accomplished already, Boule d'Energie knowing she has all the energy to do what it takes, the Queen knowing she has the power to make it all happen, Living in the Present realizing the power of being present to what is and not worrying so much about the future, Sunny being a shiny positive force already, Saviour being on a mission to find and spread balance, Powerful Smile committing to not lose that smile as she gets older, Approachable committing to play this game with his wife and find a joint name for their life together, Yoga Lady finding the serenity and calmness she has been looking for, Wise Healer welcoming guests in her mountain retreat, Beautiful Soul writing her book that will touch other souls, Brave Kora seeing herself aging beautifully and never stop believing that the journey will be a great one ?? and of course Wisdom Queen who will enchant all of us with her magic wisdom!
Tatiana taught us that our Thoughts are energy…as proven by recent science experiments. So when we work on creating an image aligned with our values, aligning our thoughts with that image and feeling those thoughts and emotions in our body, we manifest the actions which are aligned to getting to that dream…and as if by magic, the Universe returns and reflects that energy back to us. The energy of Action and Re-action.
Our present is very much influenced by our past. And in an equal measure, our present is also very much influenced by our ability to imagine the future. Imagining the future that we want to create and go about creating it already.
Beginning to look at ourselves through the lens of our future selves. Asking myself “What would Beautiful Soul do?” She will write a book that will touch the souls of many more people. “What would Powerful Smile do?” She will keep her smile on, even when life gets difficult. How would your future self see an opportunity in an adversity? And the truth is, she or he is already in you. Like Michelangelo said: “It is not carving the figure from the stone, it is freeing a figure from the stone.”
I recently came across a quote that really resonated with me and which fitted Tatiana’s session's theme today: "I don't have to change, I only have to remember who I really am!" Thank you for reminding us, our Wisdom Queen!
ADA, 18 July 2020
Coaching service-based CEOs to spend less time working and have more focus, resulting in a better life and more money. Hit +FOLLOW below for daily content! Questions? Send me a DM and let’s chat.
4 年I love to work with the future version of yourself, the 2.0 version of you who has already achieved her goals Alina Addison
Supporting leaders to embrace intensity in a healthy way | Executive coach | Speaker | EQ Advisor
4 年Alina Addison what fabulous reflections of the session: thank you, Beautiful Soul! I would also like to acknowledge David Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC, CTPC? and Ngan Vu from whom I derived inspiration and ideas for this session, as well as Rich Litvin for connecting us with those wonderful people and igniting Wisdom Queen.