Join us on a MOIA ride with Heike.

We will introduce you to the people behind MOIA and give them the opportunity to share insights about their role and their time at MOIA.

Hi Heike! You joined MOIA about 7 months ago- congratulations. Can you tell us more about how you are making an impact at MOIA.

I am a chapter lead data science. This means I dedicate about half of my time to people management and tech culture and the other half to operational data science work. As a people manager, I am responsible for the personal development of data engineers and data scientists. My "chaptees" work in two different teams and I support them on their professional growth journey. This involves for example having 1-1s and regularly zooming out to map their individual strengths and ambitions to concrete next development steps.

What led you to the role you're in today and what is worth to know about yourself?

I did a PhD on customer lifetime value prediction models which got me really excited about working with data. Data Science combines three things: business, programming, and statistical modelling. Those are all fields I was particularly interested in. So after my PhD I have worked in different data scientist positions building algorithms, for example to rank products in an online shop, match user profiles to job offers or personalize search results. In addition to the technical part, I have been interested in the people I worked with. To me it was always important to build a great team culture where we support and trust each other. I naturally thought about how individuals can use their strengths to contribute to our team goals. This finally got me into data science leadership positions.

What do you like best about working at MOIA?

The people! I love working with so many passionate and smart colleagues. We have an amazing company culture that fosters supporting each other. There are currently around 30 data scientists and data engineers at MOIA. We meet regularly to discuss challenges and developments in our field and there is always someone who has some experience with a task I am solving.

What was your biggest learning so far in your working life?

It is hard to quantify learnings. I continue to learn new things every day. This is vital for being a data scientist to keep up with the latest developments in the field and also as a people manager: People and their goals and needs are quite different and there is no blueprint that can be applied.

Would you recommend MOIA as a great employer to your Friends and network?

We have an exciting mission to make our cities a better place to live in. I would recommend MOIA to people who are enthusiastic about our mission and who enjoy working in a dynamic, innovative company. We are encouraged to take over responsibility and to drive topics that feel important to us. It's a great place for self-driven people who are eager to solve challenges without being tied to strict processes.

What advice do you have for future?MOIA employees and newbies?

At the beginning things may seem overwhelming. Never hesitate to reach out to your colleagues and ask. We've all been there, and we are very happy to support you.

How do you move? What is your favorite mobility option?

Even if it is raining, my default option in Hamburg is riding my bike. I do not have a car and I confess that I actually like riding the train. Yes, people complain about Deutsche Bahn all the time. I personally enjoy taking the train and watching the scenery fly by the window. It is quite soothing.

Click here to connect with Heike on Linkedin

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