Meet Michael Feith, Policy Officer – Principal Administrator European Commission @ InnovX BCR Day
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We are announcing Michael FEITH, Policy Officer – Principal Administrator, European Commission, Luxembourg, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, as speaker @ InnovX BCR Day "SCALING-UP INNOVATION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE" on the 28th of November 2019.
Michael Feith is a policy officer at the European Commission, where he deals with financing programs for infrastructure and services. Before he worked in the field of finance for start-ups and other small and medium-sized enterprises.
He is involved in the implementation of the Investment Plan for Europe (“Juncker-Plan” and in particular of its first and second pillars, namely the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP). In more detail, he is part of the team that has set-up and is running the EIPP.
He also actively supports the set-up of the “InvestEU” program for the EU′s next budgetary period, including the upcoming “InvestEU Portal” which will succeed in the EIPP.
Mr. Feith first joined the European institutions in 1999 via the European Parliament, before joining the European Commission in 2001. His background is in IT and he holds as well a Master's degree in European Politics.