Meet Me In The Museum I am Heading the Future
Talila Yehiel
Lecturer at Institute MOFET Virtual Academy, Teacher for Teacher institute, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Here is my working desk. Heading the Future is an experience written by Ana David from Leiria, Portugal,In the Roman gallery in the British Museum.
“Meet me in the Museum†is a book that I enjoy reading.
Tina, a British farmer, in her sixties, has never met Andreas , a curator from Denmark.
She would like to visit the “Tollund Man" , a naturally mummified corpse in the Danish museum. I was fascinated by the Tollund Man, his gentle expression despite having died by sacrificial hanging. He seemed to have accepted his death for his community.
Tina and Anders’ letters are often introspective. Both look back at what was and how it has led them to where they are today. Each of them little realise at first that this introspective look, one which both of them sometimes think is a selfish way to correspond, actually helps the other to learn more about themselves. And to find courage when they did not know they needed it. Andreas integrates his professional experience and his knowledge into his introspective in a clever way.
We can learn from Ana's experience and form Anne Youngson novel people’s deep desire to know about daily objects from the past.
You can learn more about Ana’s project from the course’s site.