Meet Lyra "Grumblepups"
Meet Lyra nicknamed Grumblepups because if you stroked her she would growl!
She died peacefully of old age on new years eve and I miss her terribly... probably because we had so many good times together, memories that linger still.
I also discovered my uncle died today and the memories are not so good. We'll leave that there.
Both have left me thinking about memories and how they can enrich a life, or not.
On one level I entertain people to make their events happier, more exciting, more fun, more succesful. A celebration of life.
But on another level I entertain to create memories. The party or event that will be relived and enjoyed in the reliving.
Magic is often regarded as trivial, and in many ways it is. But a person's life is not trivial and in this regard anything done to enrich it is actually quite profound.
"My guests still talk about "that magician" and how amazing he was" Vincenzo Di Matteo
My purpose is to enrich other people's lives.
My chosen method is magic.
Best wishes