Meet the Lay Twins: First Constable Mitch and Constable Joel.
In January of 2022, First Constable Mitch Lay graduated from the Victoria Police Academy and roughly one year later his identical twin brother, Joel, followed suit. Now both in the job, we got chatting with them just in time to celebrate #NationalSiblingDay. ?
VP: What’s it like having a twin, especially now that you are both working as police officers at VicPol???
ML: It's great! It means we can now bounce ideas off each other, and learn about the role, challenges and assist with paperwork.??
JL: Yeah, it's good fun, we can easily relate with the police stuff and share very similar interests which is always good. Although, members are constantly thinking that I'm him!?
Q. Speaking of... Have you ever played a trick on close family or friends seeing as you are identical? Did the thought of switching classes for a day ever cross you mind while still at?school???
ML: The thought of switching classes always crossed my mind. However, we didn't need to play tricks on people as they would mistake our names naturally anyway.??
JL: Not a whole lot, as Mitch said people didn't know any different anyway. ?
Q. What did you both do before you joined? ?
ML: I worked in retail before joining the police, I put myself out of my comfort zone and gained skills which contributed to joining.?We both have refereed basketball for 13 years and have been able to reach the semi-professional level. I would say this has assisted us in areas like, working under pressure, sharp decision making?and being professional. All skills which have contributed to the role of a police officer. ??
JL: I worked in commercial audio-visual integration; I started working in a private school and then moved to a medium size integration business designing audio visual systems in commercial applications before I applied to join.?As Mitch mentioned, we are pretty heavily invested in the basketball community as a basketball referee in a semi-professional capacity both locally and nationally.?
Q. What factors and events influenced your decision to join Victoria Police? Was it an idea that both of you had growing up or did someone decide to follow the other into a policing career???
JL: We both always wanted to join for as long as we both can remember. We have had a lot of family influences, and it was always something we were always interested in as a career. So, it was bound to happen at some stage!?
ML: As Joel said, growing up our aunty was a police officer and our dad was a firefighter, so we always grew up around emergency services and looked up to them.?
Q. How did you both find the recruitment process? Did you lean on each other for support and advice while going through the Academy? Do you think this gave you an advantage???
ML: I undertook the recruitment process with two other mates which assisted me in studying and understanding the process. All three of us got through and are still in the job. We studied and trained together which was great.?Joel had an advantage as he was able to lean on us for support and advice, however he still had to perform to get through. He is always asking us law questions, and we're able to guide him through the process and assist him with the studies.??
JL: I would say it gave me an advantage in knowing what to expect throughout the process, I felt I was very well prepared throughout which is crucial, but I had to jump through every hoop just like everyone else. ?
Q. Do you ever see yourselves both working in the same unit or possible at the same station???
ML:?I'm loving general duties at the moment, and I’m currently stationed out at Swan Hill. It's everything I expected it to be. Its fast paced, and you never know what your day brings. Joel and I are both from Geelong so down the track we may be working in the same division.??
JL: I see us working in the Western Region together for sure, as to whether we end up at the same station and division, only time can tell. Unless I take a position at Swan Hill!?
Q. Before we wrap up, is there a moment or experience that you both look back on fondly, or that may have made a significant impact on you both?? ?
ML: The opportunity to give Joel his badge is a memory I'll look back on always. I was unable to have a proper graduation with family and friends due to COVID. So, to be able to participate in the ceremony in front of them is a great memory to look back on.?
JL: Growing up we both collected Police Life magazines and watched a lot of Highway Patrol together! I think these memories I will always look back on fondly, the graduation was pretty cool as well!?
Has Mitch and Joel's story inspired you to explore a career with Victoria Police? If you're looking for a role that is challenging and rewarding, then policing may be a suitable career.??
Has Mitch and Joel's story inspired you to explore a career with Victoria Police? Come along to our?biggest Career Expo yet - this Saturday! (April 13) ?