Meet Jeff

Meet Jeff

Jeff Crawford is a learner, just like the rest of us. But what makes Jeff just a little better than the rest of us (he'd hate that I said that), is that he's prepared to learn first. He takes on the role of the lead learner.

Jeff is a teacher too. He taught high school math, just like me. But what makes Jeff just a little better than me (this one he'd like), is that he applies that "lead learner" model to his classroom teaching. He didn't tell kids how to learn, he just modeled curious and bold learning.

Jeff just started as a writer -- --- where he takes that lead learner perspective and reflects on how it's felt to grow. To get better. To be able to do things he didn't used to.

Take a moment to check it out. There's no way to subscribe at the moment, but he's setting out to publish each Thursday. He's just getting started, and now's the time to get in there to be able to be truthful when you utter the hipster phrase: "I knew him back when..."

Jeff has spent the last half-decade as one of Washington State's Regional Math Coordinators, supporting the learning of over 100,000 students by supporting their teachers and the folks who lead them.

He's one of the best virtual facilitators I've come across, and, if you can get him live, you're likely to move through the rest of your life as a different learner completely. And hopefully, as a teacher too.

You're welcome.


