Meet Izzy & Alex
Best Buddies Virginia and DC Citizens pair Izzy (left) and Alex (right) show off their colorful paintings.

Meet Izzy & Alex

The Best Buddies in Virginia & DC Citizens program has brought together countless individuals, fostering friendships that are not only meaningful but also deeply cherished. For Izzy and Alex, their journey within the program began on May 30, 2023, with an introductory call following closely on June 6th of the same year.

Their paths to Best Buddies in Virginia & DC were varied yet equally heartfelt. Izzy’s entry into the program was influenced by her sister’s involvement in the Best Buddies Friendship Walk , while Alex’s connection stemmed from a lifelong interest ignited by experiences in high school and college. Now, with more time to dedicate to personal pursuits, Alex eagerly embraced the opportunity to share her life and love with a friend like Izzy.

The duo finds joy in crafting activities like pottery painting and visits to local cafes. Through these shared experiences, their bond began to deepen, laying the foundation for what both hope will become a lasting friendship

Two women smile at the camera while holding up painted pottery pieces. One piece is a small bowl. The other piece has two connected hearts with "Alex and Izzy" written in the smaller heart and "Best Buddies" written in the larger heart.
Izzy and Alex hold up their painted pottery.

Reflecting on their favorite memories together, Izzy fondly recalls painting pottery as a special moment of creativity and connection. "The painting pottery was my favorite because I got to paint something for Alex, and it was cool to do,” Izzy reminisced.

"The painting pottery was my favorite because I got to paint something for Alex, and it was cool to do."

Alex treasures a simple lunch outing to Chick-fil-A Restaurants , where Izzy’s small gesture of sharing fries with her daughter left an indelible mark of kindness and warmth.

“We got Chick-fil-A for lunch, and both of my kids were with us. My four-year-old daughter finished her lunch first and was waiting for us to finish so she could go into the play-place. She was getting antsy, so Izzy surprised her with a fry. Her face lit up, and she was so happy for that kind gesture,” Alex recalled fondly.

Two women stand smiling at the camera in front of a playground on a sunny day.
Izzy and Alex pose for a photo during a beautiful day at the playground.

When asked to describe each other, Alex and Izzy overflowed with admiration and appreciation. “Izzy is very thoughtful, kind and supportive. All of the above! She does a really nice job of checking in with me just randomly, even if we don’t have anything planned,” Alex praised.

Izzy reciprocated the sentiment, describing Alex as “supportive, kind, and amazing. She and her kids are fun to hang out with. I love little kids.”

“Izzy is very thoughtful, kind and supportive."

Ultimately, their friendship is rooted in mutual respect, honesty, and the comfort of knowing there’s someone to lean on and laugh with. As they navigate this journey together, Izzy and Alex are not just friends; they’re shining stars in each other’s lives, casting light on the beauty of companionship found through programs like Best Buddies.

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