Meet the ImmutableX Engineering Team - Eduardo Lino

Meet the ImmutableX Engineering Team - Eduardo Lino

Hi Eduardo Lino , great to meet you! Today we will discuss what it's like to lead as an Engineering Manager in the ImmutableX team.

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of life at Immutable

After relocating from Sao Paulo with my wife and two kids, I've been living in Sydney for the last five years. When I'm not working, you will most likely find me at one of the fantastic Northern Beaches for a good swim and coffee with snacks by the sea. Also, since we had to stay home in the past couple of years, I've been challenging myself to learn bass and acoustic guitar; just don't ask me for a demo just yet. :)?

Can you tell us about your role at Immutable and what does involves day-to-day.

As an Engineering Manager, I like to organise my initiatives and responsibilities into people experience, product delivery and engineering culture. They are constantly interconnected. Having a high-performing team where people are excited to work and thrive depends on us consistently nurturing each of those disciplines.

As Immutable hyper grows, it has been exciting to participate in building new teams, fleshing out our next products and celebrating massive wins as we deliver and improve our internal processes to achieve engineering excellence. We work in cross-functional teams, where I coordinate our efforts in product design, planning, software development, release management and monitoring.

I'm part of the Consumer Products Group, working on user-facing and partner solutions in Wallets, Payments and Identity.

Great, which tech stacks do you use?

We work with Golang running on AWS lambdas in most of our backend stack. For the front end, we use React with Typescript, and most recently, we've launched our first few mobile SDKs using Swift and Kotlin to ease the integration with our platform on iOS and Android, respectively.

Big question, what would you say makes working in the IMX Engineering team so different from any companies you have been at previously?

Since joining, I've always been impressed by how the team is laser-focused on reliability without losing sight of the agility necessary to stay competitive. Our engineering team is constantly looking for ways to improve our gameplay to increase our velocity without harming the platform's health, all of this considering our customer expectations. It's also a place of continuous learning, as many new engineers won't have previous experience in the Web 3 market; collaboration and knowledge sharing are always present and leads to a lot of personal growth for every engineer.

We would love to know what a key highlight for you has been during your time here?

For me, it has been the creation of a new product group, setting the foundation for multiple solutions in the Wallets and Payments space at Immutable. During this time, I learned much about the Web3 market and built strong connections with the teams I've worked with. We also had a great time celebrating the achievements from the past year at a massive party on a boat on a lovely afternoon at Sydney Bay.

Any tips for those considering a move to Immutable X as an engineer?

I suggest they research what capabilities we're aiming to unlock when we say we will solve digital ownership and its massive impact on the industry. Immutable is an environment of collaboration and experimentation, so this is the right place for anyone who doesn't want to be just another cog in the wheel and play an active role in the whole company's success.

We are hiring the following roles in our Immutable X engineering team:

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