Meet the Health and Safety Department of ETEM Gestamp
On World Health and Safety Day, we would like to introduce our team from the "Health and Safety" department: Yordan Neshev, Raina Alexieva, Iva Koparanova, and Dimitar Dimitrov. These colleagues are responsible for ensuring the health and Safety of company employees and bringing working conditions in line with legislation and corporate standards.
At ETEM Gestamp, all employees work together to create an overall culture of care and?support?where everyone is responsible for their own Safety and that of their colleagues. This includes promoting communication about workplace risks and challenges and actively participating in safety improvement programs.
The company actively supports the work of the Health and Safety department by investing in training and education on the best safety practices and informing employees about the necessary protective equipment and equipment. At the same time, safety procedures?are regularly reviewed?and updated to reflect the highest standards and innovations in occupational health and Safety.
We asked our colleagues in the department a few questions to get a first-hand account of their work and the challenges they face.
What does Safety mean to you?
Safety is a journey that requires the commitment of all employees, with the management team leading the charge. The main aim and mission of the Health and Safety department is to develop the safety culture of the employees and encourage each one of us to remember that Safety is a choice we make, and Safety is our choice!
What are the biggest challenges when talking about Safety at ETEM Gestamp?
The main challenges include Safety when working with machines (zero access), managing high-risk activities (working at height), and separating pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic flows. Last but not least is the commitment of every single employee, and only in this way will we achieve our goal - 0 incidents.
How do you rate the safety level at ETEM Gestamp?
First, the senior management team's level of commitment is very high. Everything starts with the managers, and they are a model of behavior. Every operational meeting begins with Safety, primarily focusing on prevention and leading indicators—reporting unsafe acts, hazardous environments, potential incidents, inspections, risk assessment, etc.
There are certainly areas for development and things we can do better, but the important thing is to be persistent and convinced that Safety is a personal choice for each of us.