Meet Ella - our customer success

Meet Ella - our customer success

Today we will introduce you to Ella Vera - customer success at MyStamp

Hi Ella Vera! Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you found MyStamp.

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Hey! I am 21 years old and live a bit outside Gothenburg with my family. If I were to describe myself, I would say that I am a happy, outgoing girl who likes to?socialise. I think that makes my current job suit me so well! In addition to the job, I spend a lot of time with my horses in the stable as I have 4 horses and also work extra to train young horses.?Outside of work, I like to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend.

My internship at the time shared the same office?compound?as MyStamp and that's how I ?found out about them. At first, I put part of my internship with them, and then I was also offered a job here.

You said that you got horses. Do you also compete?

Yes, I have ridden since I was 4 years old and today I compete in up to 140cm in jumping.

What made you want to work at MyStamp?

I liked that it was a job?where I got a lot of?freedom?and?responsibilities. It suits me very well, because I am able to combine it with my horse riding. In addition, I enjoyed the company very much from the beginning. It is a very fun workplace and I have very?nice?colleagues!

What are your duties at MyStamp?

I handle a large part of the company's customer contact and customer service, which means that I, among other things, help companies get started with our loyalty program, create profiles in the app and keep in touch with our customers to answer questions and concerns.

What do you like most about your job?

The best thing in my opinion is that I have varied tasks and that there?I get a lot of responsibilities and that there is a lot of freedom in how I execute those responsibilities.

Give us your best tips when it comes to customer service?

My best tip when it comes to customer service is to give each customer that little bit?of?extra?attention!?I makesure to give all customers?special treatment, am available to them whenever they need me,?and to listen totheir?feedback to do?my job as well as I can.?I try to familiarise?myself?with their situation and?to?treat?ourcustomers?like I would want to be treated myself.

Contact Ella at

[email protected]



