Meet Dominik Markowski, flight software engineer for YPSat !
Tell us a bit about yourself, what is your job at ESA?
My history with space started at AGH university in Krakow, where my colleagues and I designed an AOCS experiment and launched it to space on the CubeSat – KRAKsat Space Systems . I was also working for over 4 years as a software engineer in the healthcare industry. In 2021, I have joined European Space Agency - ESA Space Agency as a YGT for AOCS and GNC engineering and a year later became a contractor in the same division. I mainly work on spacecraft sensors like gyroscopes, star trackers or navigation cameras. I also provide support for ESA's upcoming missions: Hera and Comet-Interceptor, by implementing image processing algorithms or verifying if the performance of sensors meets mission requirements.
What made you join the project?
When I heard about YPSAT from a fellow YGT, the project was at the very beginning. With the very short deadline, YPSAT appeared to me as a unique challenge, but also an opportunity to witness the launch of the spacecraft, that I have worked on. With the long development time of the typical spacecraft and the YGT program being limited to max. 2 years, not many young professionals are able to work on all phases of the mission – from design to operational phase. The project allows young professionals (including me) to be a part of a very important milestone for the European space program – the maiden flight of a next-generation rocket – #Ariane 6. Additionally, in YPSAT we have an opportunity to build competencies in domains not strictly related to our internship programs.?
What is your role in YPSat?
In YPSAT , I am a part of the software team. Flight software deployed on On-Board Computer and Data-Handling sub-system will autonomously manage the operation of the spacecraft. To reach mission objectives, the software has to perform a precise sequence of actions, such as commanding cameras, gathering video and science data from payloads, and when the right moment comes, initialising transmission to the ground. The team and I have to not only implement those features but also test them thoroughly. I was involved in development from the very beginning, starting with hardware selection and ending now, with coding and verification. Through all this time, I’ve built a good understanding of the majority of YPSat spacecraft’s systems and how to interface with them on the software level.
What has been the biggest challenge for you?
The biggest challenge is time. YPSAT has a very tight timeline for a space project with no margin for delays or wrong decisions. The lead time of hardware is significantly long compared to our timeline, so many decisions had to be taken based only on limited information from datasheets. And we all know there is not such a thing as a perfect datasheet. Currently, we are in the stage, when we put our hands on hardware and realise differences. However, I am sure that, with such an ambitious team, we will overcome every challenge on our way. It is amazing how fast and precise our young team can tackle any issue and together come up with solutions that allow us to keep the project running.
Your best memory?
There were many great memories and many great ones are created every week. But for me, the best day was when we opened a brand-new OBC, connected cables, wrote a few lines of code and saw “Hello YPSat” on our screen. It is not much and only a true software engineer can understand this joy. For others, the experience can be compared to connecting the first two blocks on a new Lego set.
How do you feel about your work going to space?
I can already feel the taste of thrill and excitement, which we will experience during the #Ariane 6 launch. But it is also a big responsibility and pressure. We were trusted with delivering the only on-board recording of such a big launch for ESA. It keeps me motivated to contribute to the project every day.
Describe YPSat in 1 quote or word?
On top of all mission objectives, this project is about young professionals from European Space Agency - ESA , who grow through YPSAT . So when the spacecraft will orbit the Earth and realize its mission, it will be a testimony that “We - ESA young professionals - are skilled, knowledgeable and eager to launch our work to space”.
What's next for you?
After my YGT, I continued my work with European Space Agency - ESA as an external contractor. I am building my experience in AOCS and GNC sensors, but many aspects of the space industry are extremely interesting to me. Early in my carrier, I want also to challenge myself with different engineering areas: like flight software, spacecraft vision navigation, machine learning and new-space approach.