Meet the Core Team: Jodi O'Connell - Administration Co-ordinator
Joining the team in September 2015, Jodi brings with her over 11 years experience in the field of Administration and Management. Jodi’s commitment to living in alignment with her highest values of growth, nurture and family, makes her an inspiring and influential contributor to The Elevation Company team.
Jodi first met Heather at a Power of YOU event in 2013. The words of Heather and Cathy resonated so deeply for her that she signed up for two personal coaching programs and volunteered as a crew member at a number of other events run by the company. A passionate advocate for the adult programs offered through the Elevate People and Elevate Business areas of The Elevation Company, Jodi has also gifted her two sons the opportunity to attend the Elevate Children program-Green SuperCamp Australia.
Jodi believes working for The Elevation Company is like being a part of a large and loving family community. “It is a company where we walk our talk and really do work strongly from our hearts.” All of the team members share similar values & are very involved in the growth of clients and the business. As Administration Co-ordinator Jodi has a very versatile role, with responsibilities in areas such as Human Resources, Financial Performance, Asset Maintenance, Productivity, Business Planning, Marketing, Practice Accreditation & general running of the business.
Jodi is a strong believer in working in a field about which she’s passionate and which allows her to make her meaningful difference to the world by supporting others in their journey of growth, in the areas of both personal and business development. For more information, please visit: