Meet the Committee: International Women's Day

Meet the Committee: International Women's Day

International Women's Day is tomorrow and our members are preparing themselves to get out there and promote women's rights and a #balanceforbetter. Women in Property constantly seek to inspire women to aspire to succeed and achieve their goals and International Women's Day brings an opportunity for women all over the world to come together and celebrate these messages.

In the run up to International Women's Day, we've asked South East committee member Katy Klingopulos to share with us what tomorrow means to her in our Q&A.


WIP: What are you doing for International Womens' Day 2019?  

Katy: BDB Pitmans is hosting a table at a Victoria BID breakfast hosted at the House of Lords and we are planning IWD events internally.

 WIP: What does International Womens' Day mean to you? 

Katy: To me it is a reminder that the conversation on the role of women in society is taking place across the world and is not limited to the role of women in the workplace. Different countries face different issues and IWD gives us an opportunity to consider what challenges are faced in other parts of the world.

 WIP: Who is the woman who most inspires you and why?

Katy: The person who most readily springs to mind is Rosa Parks. In my view, she stands out with her courage in taking one simple, and peaceful, action which changed the course of history.

 WIP: What more do you think we should be doing as a society to help create a #BalanceForBetter?

Katy: Talk more openly and listen to each other. Often the fear of how a viewpoint might be perceived, particularly in an age where public statements receive immediate response, can prevent people speaking out and being heard.

 WIP: If you had to pick one message to send out to our Women in Property members for International Womens' Day, what would it be? 

Katy: Champion your colleagues and support them to achieve their goals. As a WiP member you are a role model for the next generation and you can make a difference to how they view their profession. #Aspire #Succeed #Inspire.


