Meet the Boss - New HIA Event
Like many industries the construction sector in the Hunter is aging, and as more consider retirement the number of experienced individuals that those sub 40 in age can turn to for advice is unfortunately shrinking.
To assist HIA will next week hold our first event aimed at those comparatively new to the sector.
Have you wondered what the background is to some of the most successful in our sector, where did they come from and how did they get to where they are?
‘Meet the Boss’ is an opportunity for you to come and hear the lessons they learnt along the way and have your questions answered. Attendees will be able to learn from their experiences, their successes and failures, hear about the paths they chose and the result it has had on their businesses.
Our first Boss is Bill McDonald, founder of McDonald Jones Homes. From humble beginnings in 1987 McDonald Jones Homes is now the flag ship company of the MJH Group and is currently the largest detached home builder in NSW. Last year MJH Group took out the HIA title of ‘biggest mover’ nationally in the HIA-COLORBOND steel Housing 100 Report 2015/16, increasing their housing starts by 89% over the previous financial year.
Simply put Bill has been where you are – starting from scratch and worked hard to be where he is today. Come along and hear about the history of the company, the challenges they have faced, the changing market and its effects on the business and after 50 years working in our sector his thoughts on where the industry is heading.
You never know – you might even get a tour of the office and a viewing of the MJH Design Studio!
WHEN Tuesday 4 April 2017
TIME 5 - 7pm
WHERE McDonald Jones Homes - 9B Huntingdale Drive, Thornton
COST $16.50 HIA member | $22 Non-member (Can I bring my apprentice? - of course @ no cost too)
CPD 2 points
Only 30 places are available. To register email your name and phone number to [email protected] or phone 4014 2000.