Meet the 2019 CHEO Telethon Champions

Meet the 2019 CHEO Telethon Champions

Each year, the CHEO Foundation holds the CHEO Telethon on CTV, which is part of the North-America wide Children's Miracle Network. This year the Telethon campaign period takes place from May 27 through June 9, 2019. All funds raised locally benefit the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (#CHEO). Donations help the hospital provide a wide variety of paediatric programs, research, state-of the art equipment, medical and nursing education, and assistance for families in crisis.

One of the main reasons people choose to donate during the CHEO Telethon’s campaign period is because of the personal stories shared by CHEO patients and their families. This year, the following #CHEOChampions have chosen to tell their stories.


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Caring for the entire family is important at CHEO. Eleven-year-old cancer fighter and hockey player Carissa Marcotte was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on her eighth birthday. Complications from treatments affected her mobility, limiting her ability to walk. As she begins to move forward emotionally and physically, she regularly visits CHEO for psycho-social support. Her brother, Carson, also relies on CHEO, benefiting from the multiple services offered to oncology families.

Donations inspired by Carissa's story will be generously matched by Mitel. Click here to learn more about Carissa's story, and to double your impact by donating now.


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Funny and energetic, Zander Zatylny was born with a rare heart disease that required extensive reconstruction. After numerous procedures, including two open heart surgeries as a baby, 9-year-old Zander has now outgrown those repairs. Doctors at CHEO had to make delicate structural adjustments that can adapt as Zander grows. His comedic personality certainly makes the team at CHEO smile.

Donations inspired by Zander's story will be generously matched by Canadian Pacific Railway. Click here to learn more about Zander's story, and to double your impact by donating now.


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When Daniel Paine’s adoptive parents brought him home in 2018, this brave boy faced two challenges due to bilateral atresia: both of his ears had no ear canal. Daniel was cared for by CHEO Audiology after being fitted with bone conduction hearing aids, devices which allow him to hear using sound vibrations sent through his bones. A quick learner with a love for electronics, Daniel continues to amaze his parents and the team at CHEO as his English vocabulary skyrockets!

Donations inspired by Daniel's story will be generously matched by Farm Boy. Click here to learn more about Daniel's story, and to double your impact by donating now.


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Talented artist, Phoebe Hatt was recently accepted to a prestigious art program after making the honour roll at school. Phoebe is described by her oncologist as a miracle child. At 11 months old Phoebe was diagnosed with Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, an extremely rare and aggressive cancer. Phoebe defied the odds and survived over 275 doses of chemotherapy and a terrifying infection. Now cancer-free, this thriving 13 year old is passionate in all areas of her life. In addition to her blooming artistic career, Phoebe speaks eloquently about how donor dollars save lives.

Donations inspired by Phoebe's story will be generously matched by LiUNA Local 527 & 527A. Click here to learn more about Phoebe's story, and to double your impact by donating now.


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Sawyer Hartwick, a giggly three-year-old boy was born with global developmental delay with severe intellectual disability. He attends the CHEO pre-school where he continues to make huge strides, walking with a walker and socializing through play and peer interaction. The CHEO preschool is just a part of Sawyer’s treatment plan. He is one of the many children who benefit from the multiple services offered through Development and Rehabilitation at CHEO.

Donations inspired by Sawyer's story will be generously matched by the Ottawa Professional Fire Fighters Association. Click here to learn more about Sawyer's story, and to double your impact by donating now.


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Jordan and Hollan Miseferi’s son, Leonardo experienced oxygen deprivation during his birth, resulting in a brain injury. This trauma led to baby Leo having multiple seizures and he was quickly treated using therapeutic hypothermia, brought to CHEO by the Neonatal Transport Team and admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Doctors at CHEO continued the cooling process which allowed Leo’s brain to heal and monitored his brain function using a specialized piece of EEG equipment that tracks and evaluates seizures often difficult to detect in infants. Today, six-month-old Leonardo is thriving at home and periodically comes to CHEO to ensure he’s meeting all his developmental milestones.

Donations inspired by Leonardo's story will be generously matched by Mattamy Homes. Click here to learn more about Leonardo's story, and to double your impact by donating now.

When the community responds to these stories by donating their hard-earned money, it is truly heartwarming and humbling. Without your support, the staff at CHEO could not continue to provide world-class healthcare for the children and youth of our region. When you make a donation online at during the Telethon campaign period, you’ll be a #Hero4CHEO and your donation will be doubled thanks to the #MiracleMatch partners of each CHEO Champion.

